Get To Know Us, .... Me....
Get To Know ONE Feltonville CCDC-RCO
and, .... Me!

We're not trying to be 'all things, to all people'. But, we WELCOME ALL PEOPLE. Bienvenidos Todos! That includes you!
Reach Out; get to know us. Become a part of the 'community' of our Community. The "fabric of Democracy" was knit together by a diverse offering of self, some selfless giving, some not so selfless...or willing. But, we are ONE! ONE Nation. ONE City. ONE Country, ONE UNITED VOICE, ONE People, in ONE Neighborhood lifting our combined voices to maintain a sense of 'neighborliness' and familial, intentional living.
And, while living "Among The People" we advocate the practice of "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself" ("Love Your Neighbor As Yourself" ) This "Commandment" was very important in Biblical times; and should be today!. Even when it's far less than easy to do so; even when folks aren't so so lovable. It's hard, 'tough-love' but necessary to get by. I mean, "Who IS Our 'Neighbor'?"...
By "Doing" this (James 1:22 NKJV) and living it out among, and with our neighbors, valuable friendships, relationships and enduring memories are formed. "Family" is made. And, for many, many who have estranged family relations, or no family, this makes all the difference in the world. But, we have to be careful, and approach with caution; We live "As Sheep.... "Among Wolves".

In my 'practices' in Feltonville the past 3 years and across this great city over the past ten years, I've found, these 'principles' and actions work! It's not all 'deep' and about 'religion' or religiosity--as the Biblical "Pharisees" had. No, it's really ALL about you- and how we can serve you best in your life journey.
At the end of the day, our entire "Mission" can be summed up in the title of CCDA Founder John Perkins awesome book "Making Neighborhoods Whole" and other great titles like "The New Parish" By Paul Sparks, et al....
ALL of this work and practice (Praxis) began for me with ABCD Asset Based Community Development in the mid-to-late-90's... Yeah, what a generation! Books like "The Abundant Community" have informed and fueled my personal praxis. So, while this is MY 'Ministry' and humble sacrifice it does not put you in 'church' to participate. Often misquoted St. Francis of Asissi supposedly said it best: "Preach The Gospel, at all times, Use Words When Necesaary. Meaning; "Preach" with your life. The venerable Saint, whose name Pope Francis claimed actually said: “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” So, Come, Walk With us!
I hope you'll join us on the journey to our "Beloved Community" a resourced community; an "Abundant Community" as we grow and love and serve our neighbors.
Reach out. We're here! ONE Feltonville: Making Connections, Delivering Results!
Bro. Michael Blackie, OSL
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