ONE Feltonville Hosts "Job Corps" for Youth Job Info...
"Job Corps"Joins ONE Feltonville Next Tuesday Evening....
ONE Feltonville CCDC RCO will Host "Philadelphia Job Corps" for an "Executive Community Briefing" on Tuesday, February 21st 6:30PM
YOU are Invited!
At: Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia; located at 200 A East Wyoming Avenue at "A" Street.
Also on the AGENDA:
UPDATES: Zoning, Esperanza Projects: Feltonville War Memorial, Wyoming Avenue Corridor Plan, and a "Proposal" for a "Feltonville Historical Committee".
Join Us! LEARN! Participate, and have a voice in the community.
D. Michael Blackie OSL @goWestYoungMan1
Facilitator Member: CCDA

YOU are Invited!
At: Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia; located at 200 A East Wyoming Avenue at "A" Street.
Also on the AGENDA:
UPDATES: Zoning, Esperanza Projects: Feltonville War Memorial, Wyoming Avenue Corridor Plan, and a "Proposal" for a "Feltonville Historical Committee".
Join Us! LEARN! Participate, and have a voice in the community.
D. Michael Blackie OSL @goWestYoungMan1
Facilitator Member: CCDA
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