And, Suddenly, You're Gone....
What to do when "Building Boom" makes your life go Boom!
Philly Is Notorious, ... For Murder, Failing Infrastructure, and Buildings Collapsing!
As a "Tenant" in an older home (Built 1935), I'm fighting a "Slumlord". It's not that the house is necessarily a 'slum' house--but, there are SERIOUS issues with Philadelphia Property Management Code the City's Licenses & Inspections Department has been out to inspect--on two occasions. December 2017 found 15 CODE VIOLATIONS, and March 2018 (Days BEFORE he took me to "Landlord-Tenant Court" for "Non Payment of Rent) found 12 CODE VIOLATIONS.
We're now in "Philadelphia Common Pleas Court" The "higher Court" because I'm appealing, because he's appalling! I already lived here. The house was vacant-open to the elements for nearly four years. A woman was murdered here-- In the house! No one wanted to live here. A Muslim Brother I met randomly coming out of the house late July last year, agreed to Rent to me, with no upfront cash, no credit check. "As Is" isn't permitted by "Lease" in Phlly, so, I had a kind of word-of-mouth agreement with Abu Ali - and was working on the house myself. He agreed to deduct my work and cost of materials; or supply materials if I agree to "not call L & I". I agreed. We drew up a "Rental Agreement". I paid Rent in August, September... Ali became unreachable. His mother, Miriam had his phone now. She said he went back to 'our Country' [Saudi Arabia]. She said "Immigration is look (sic) for him here!". Oh Boy!
In early October, a beautiful Autumn day in Philly; I'm in the yard, with the dogs(!) and, a guy comes walking out the back door into the yard, (my front door as open. But, there's a porch gate). I HAVE THREE DOGS! Thank God, they're friendly trained, companion, therapy, emotional support, working dogs.
Long story short, this guy tells me he's buying the house. NO PAPERWORK at all! See ya buddy! Several threatening calls and texts later I stop hearing from him. Did You know? You can Text Someone a "CEASE AND DESIST (From Harassment)" Text and it's "Legal"? Yup!
So, I'm thinking, ... "Now what?". Around October 18th here comes this guy. Ipina. He says "I buy the house. How long you need? I need the house." He has "Papers" "Settlement" papers, from THAT day! Oye! So, I tell him the house has problems. I tell him "But, I like the house, I really I don't wanna move." He reiterates "I need the house man, how long you need. How many day you want?" (sic...again!). [Guatemala]. I stare him down, and said "Well dude, you bought a house occupied. I have a "Lease" for all intents and purposes, so, i guess, unless you wanna honor it, I'll see ya next year, or in Court." He comes back--again, and again, the "Third Time's The Charm" they say! He brings a Realtor with him. We agree to a "Lease". In November, he files for EVICTION!
I call and email L&I and 311 17 VIOLATIONS! I pay Rent, to him, for November. In December we execute a "new Lease",sort of..." Not quite a PA Association of Realtors "Lease" but, ... Meh! So, in December, I pay (AGAIN) Rent for December... with THAT LEASE set to start at January 1, 2018.
He comes by now, and again, does some work, all day, accomplishes little--all the while talking about how good he is. He makes a few things worse than they were. Leaves other things undone. Leaves a mess, doesn't clean up. Doesn't say a word and leaves.
The heater completely fails the weekend of the Arctic Blast. Pipes freeze. They burst. They thaw, they flood the basement. AFTER the heater expansion tank blew--was 'repaired' and blew again--all over the basement. Thanks to LIHEAP through PHDC - Basic Systems Repair Program - EMERGENCY a NEW heater was installed in February, the 27th to be exact! I had already withheld the Rent!
On March 2nd he was NOTIFIED again via 311 and L&I about the VIOLATIONS and DID NOTHING. On March 8th he, through his Slimy, slippery, shady, shyster, snake oil salesman, 'liar' lawyer... I get a "Landlord Complaint" AGAIN on March 11TH.
So, we're STILL IN COURT! You JUST CANNOT NOT MAINTAIN A HOME, Renter, Or SLUMLORD Millionaire! And, you can't EVICT because you want to 'flip the house' or Rent it out as TWO Section 8 Apartments!
I WILL FIGHT YOU. I WILL FIGHT #Gentrification in any Community!
1. NOT Maintaining Older Homes; Especially older homes that have had roof leaks, floods, plumbing problems, old 'knob-and-tube' fabric covered wires, frayed, inside the walls;
2. Older homes, that have leaked and been VACANT longer than A YEAR, not maintained, bad floors, rotting joists;
3. Homes that have had NO HEAT, for a prolonged period of time; old copper pipes, frozen pipes, broken, blown radiators because water froze in them and burst;
4. a home that YOU BOUGHT, Occupied, With "Problems"...lots of 'em... is NOT the "Tenant" Occupant's PROBLEM! (It's YOURS! YOU Bought It, DEAL with it)!
5. You CANNOT do "Business" like that here! Without being #Racist #Xenophobic, I am #AntiGentrification especially toward those who would come here and 'prostitute' "The American Dream" who would be shot, hung or otherwise KILLED in their Country of Origin--especially for treating an "Elder" with such blatant, and targeted disrespect and disregard!
NOT MAINTAINING A Phily home, house, Apartment Building, Duplex, Triplex, Commercial Building leads to DANGEROUS DEMOLITION DEATHS!
OWNERS ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE! I don't care HOW BAD you say a TENANT is; TRUTH is you RENT SUBSTANDARD HOUSING at "Market Rate" inflated prices--KNOWING that poor folks have few options. Then, when you don't 'profit' as much as you felt you should--EVERYTHING's the fault of the Tenant? As we say in da 'hood: "nah, dude' you wrong!".
I'm feeling confident that I will prevail in my Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Appeal. I am feeling encouraged that I am going to "Beat" this Slumlord and his shyster lawyer. I wish I were a lawyer and this case would set precedent in how Municipal Court Civil Division Landlord Tenant Court accepted or rejected cases. I'm confident, encouraged, but appalled and dismayed that it got this far!
There were THREE previous opportunities for a Municipal Court Supervising Judge to "Dispose" of the matter, force Mediation, arbitration, or settlement. He didn't. Another fraud on the bench because we don't vote, or pay attention to Judicial elections! You WILL when they come for your house! BELOW: Front View: I love a "Corner House" that's what attracted me to it in the first place. (Center) It's a huge piece of property! (What did he think he was buying? It was VACANT, for years! Did he believe it was in "Good Condition"? The yard alone is a "Maintenance" challenge; grass cutting, mowing, lawn care; snow removal; shoveling...
I Won't Be Moving, ANYTIME Soon, Sorry Slumlord Landlord. Unless YOU plan to live here, your EVICTION 'cause'... is 'without just cause'. Meanwhile, see ya in Court, again!
This Casa Grande, was to be the "Home" of Gospel House Ministries, and Bookstore, ONE Church, St. Luke Chapel and a Dog Kennel and Boarding Program to work with Adjudicated Delinquent Youth and teach them to be Handlers, Kennel Attendants and simply to benefit from Service Dogs; a source of 'unconditional love' so many need these days.
He initially agreed to that. Then balked and has set plans back over almost a year. But, I'm opening eyes to his shady practices! Opening eyes for everyone. Abriendo ojos, para todos, mi amigo if you're attempting to read this.
© Brother Michael, OSL
5 June 2018 PHL PA 19120
©️Brother Michael, OSL
267.650.4720 (06-06-2018)
ONE Feltonville & Olney Neighbors Empowered
Philly Is Notorious, ... For Murder, Failing Infrastructure, and Buildings Collapsing!
As a "Tenant" in an older home (Built 1935), I'm fighting a "Slumlord". It's not that the house is necessarily a 'slum' house--but, there are SERIOUS issues with Philadelphia Property Management Code the City's Licenses & Inspections Department has been out to inspect--on two occasions. December 2017 found 15 CODE VIOLATIONS, and March 2018 (Days BEFORE he took me to "Landlord-Tenant Court" for "Non Payment of Rent) found 12 CODE VIOLATIONS.
We're now in "Philadelphia Common Pleas Court" The "higher Court" because I'm appealing, because he's appalling! I already lived here. The house was vacant-open to the elements for nearly four years. A woman was murdered here-- In the house! No one wanted to live here. A Muslim Brother I met randomly coming out of the house late July last year, agreed to Rent to me, with no upfront cash, no credit check. "As Is" isn't permitted by "Lease" in Phlly, so, I had a kind of word-of-mouth agreement with Abu Ali - and was working on the house myself. He agreed to deduct my work and cost of materials; or supply materials if I agree to "not call L & I". I agreed. We drew up a "Rental Agreement". I paid Rent in August, September... Ali became unreachable. His mother, Miriam had his phone now. She said he went back to 'our Country' [Saudi Arabia]. She said "Immigration is look (sic) for him here!". Oh Boy!
In early October, a beautiful Autumn day in Philly; I'm in the yard, with the dogs(!) and, a guy comes walking out the back door into the yard, (my front door as open. But, there's a porch gate). I HAVE THREE DOGS! Thank God, they're friendly trained, companion, therapy, emotional support, working dogs.
Long story short, this guy tells me he's buying the house. NO PAPERWORK at all! See ya buddy! Several threatening calls and texts later I stop hearing from him. Did You know? You can Text Someone a "CEASE AND DESIST (From Harassment)" Text and it's "Legal"? Yup!
So, I'm thinking, ... "Now what?". Around October 18th here comes this guy. Ipina. He says "I buy the house. How long you need? I need the house." He has "Papers" "Settlement" papers, from THAT day! Oye! So, I tell him the house has problems. I tell him "But, I like the house, I really I don't wanna move." He reiterates "I need the house man, how long you need. How many day you want?" (sic...again!). [Guatemala]. I stare him down, and said "Well dude, you bought a house occupied. I have a "Lease" for all intents and purposes, so, i guess, unless you wanna honor it, I'll see ya next year, or in Court." He comes back--again, and again, the "Third Time's The Charm" they say! He brings a Realtor with him. We agree to a "Lease". In November, he files for EVICTION!
I call and email L&I and 311 17 VIOLATIONS! I pay Rent, to him, for November. In December we execute a "new Lease",sort of..." Not quite a PA Association of Realtors "Lease" but, ... Meh! So, in December, I pay (AGAIN) Rent for December... with THAT LEASE set to start at January 1, 2018.
He comes by now, and again, does some work, all day, accomplishes little--all the while talking about how good he is. He makes a few things worse than they were. Leaves other things undone. Leaves a mess, doesn't clean up. Doesn't say a word and leaves.
The heater completely fails the weekend of the Arctic Blast. Pipes freeze. They burst. They thaw, they flood the basement. AFTER the heater expansion tank blew--was 'repaired' and blew again--all over the basement. Thanks to LIHEAP through PHDC - Basic Systems Repair Program - EMERGENCY a NEW heater was installed in February, the 27th to be exact! I had already withheld the Rent!

So, we're STILL IN COURT! You JUST CANNOT NOT MAINTAIN A HOME, Renter, Or SLUMLORD Millionaire! And, you can't EVICT because you want to 'flip the house' or Rent it out as TWO Section 8 Apartments!
I WILL FIGHT YOU. I WILL FIGHT #Gentrification in any Community!
1. NOT Maintaining Older Homes; Especially older homes that have had roof leaks, floods, plumbing problems, old 'knob-and-tube' fabric covered wires, frayed, inside the walls;
2. Older homes, that have leaked and been VACANT longer than A YEAR, not maintained, bad floors, rotting joists;
3. Homes that have had NO HEAT, for a prolonged period of time; old copper pipes, frozen pipes, broken, blown radiators because water froze in them and burst;
4. a home that YOU BOUGHT, Occupied, With "Problems"...lots of 'em... is NOT the "Tenant" Occupant's PROBLEM! (It's YOURS! YOU Bought It, DEAL with it)!
5. You CANNOT do "Business" like that here! Without being #Racist #Xenophobic, I am #AntiGentrification especially toward those who would come here and 'prostitute' "The American Dream" who would be shot, hung or otherwise KILLED in their Country of Origin--especially for treating an "Elder" with such blatant, and targeted disrespect and disregard!
NOT MAINTAINING A Phily home, house, Apartment Building, Duplex, Triplex, Commercial Building leads to DANGEROUS DEMOLITION DEATHS!
OWNERS ARE ALWAYS RESPONSIBLE! I don't care HOW BAD you say a TENANT is; TRUTH is you RENT SUBSTANDARD HOUSING at "Market Rate" inflated prices--KNOWING that poor folks have few options. Then, when you don't 'profit' as much as you felt you should--EVERYTHING's the fault of the Tenant? As we say in da 'hood: "nah, dude' you wrong!".

There were THREE previous opportunities for a Municipal Court Supervising Judge to "Dispose" of the matter, force Mediation, arbitration, or settlement. He didn't. Another fraud on the bench because we don't vote, or pay attention to Judicial elections! You WILL when they come for your house! BELOW: Front View: I love a "Corner House" that's what attracted me to it in the first place. (Center) It's a huge piece of property! (What did he think he was buying? It was VACANT, for years! Did he believe it was in "Good Condition"? The yard alone is a "Maintenance" challenge; grass cutting, mowing, lawn care; snow removal; shoveling...
I Won't Be Moving, ANYTIME Soon, Sorry Slumlord Landlord. Unless YOU plan to live here, your EVICTION 'cause'... is 'without just cause'. Meanwhile, see ya in Court, again!
This Casa Grande, was to be the "Home" of Gospel House Ministries, and Bookstore, ONE Church, St. Luke Chapel and a Dog Kennel and Boarding Program to work with Adjudicated Delinquent Youth and teach them to be Handlers, Kennel Attendants and simply to benefit from Service Dogs; a source of 'unconditional love' so many need these days.
He initially agreed to that. Then balked and has set plans back over almost a year. But, I'm opening eyes to his shady practices! Opening eyes for everyone. Abriendo ojos, para todos, mi amigo if you're attempting to read this.
© Brother Michael, OSL
5 June 2018 PHL PA 19120

267.650.4720 (06-06-2018)
ONE Feltonville & Olney Neighbors Empowered
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1), or Facebook are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO, #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC
D Michael Blackie STAY AWAY! From "LevyLaw" (aka/dba) Bart Levy, (Purported) "Esq).
RATING: 🤡🤡🤡🤥👎👎
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