Just "A Simple Prayer".....
How can a "Simple Prayer" from a book issued nearly 18 years ago be effective today? #ThePrayerofJabez http:/STAY TUNED..... Stay Tuned: 03.15.17 

via Twitter: @GoWestYoungMan1

I'll be re-reviewing The Prayer of Jabez, (sometime after the Spring/Easter Season Break) and its particular effectiveness on, and in my life and work since the Summer of 2015. Meanwhile, if you've never read it... there's a re-appearance of The Prayer of Jabez (2000, Multnomah) in many churches and communities of faith across the country.
If our country ever needed a faithful people praying in unison, now is the time! "Get Down on Your Knees and Fight for Your Life!" has been said to be the key to our 'salvation' as a country. "If My People Who Are Called By My Name Shall Humble Themselves and Pray; Then, Will I hear Their Prayers and Heal Their Land" (2 Chronicles 7:14) (Paraphrased) Bible Gateway (NKJV)
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