Crime Kills A Community...
Are We "Movin' On Up"? Or Just Movin' Out?
You Stayin' Quiet? Or want Some "Clout"?
We REALLY Really NEED to talk about ALL These Shootings! .... And, Drugs, and #Gentrification! Because, CRIME KILLS COMMUNITIES. Speculators benefit! Gentrifiers are Property Buyers! If they say "Oh, I'm a "Developer" that's the first sign they're a LIAR!
It starts with the drugs, and the increase of crime. It builds and builds, all, ...over time. Housing goes Vacant, then, there's the fire! You're siitin' at home watchin' reruns of "The Wire", on cable. They're happy to not to give ya a seat at the table!
You Stayin' Quiet? Or want Some "Clout"?
We REALLY Really NEED to talk about ALL These Shootings! .... And, Drugs, and #Gentrification! Because, CRIME KILLS COMMUNITIES. Speculators benefit! Gentrifiers are Property Buyers! If they say "Oh, I'm a "Developer" that's the first sign they're a LIAR!
It starts with the drugs, and the increase of crime. It builds and builds, all, ...over time. Housing goes Vacant, then, there's the fire! You're siitin' at home watchin' reruns of "The Wire", on cable. They're happy to not to give ya a seat at the table!
Before ya know it, you're moving too! Ya can only afford to be a seller, never a buyer! It's a plan ya know? To ruin the 'hood, do nothin' to make it better. Owners and Tenant alike all get an EVICTION Letter! Once 'those people' are gone, well.... then they work hard to make it better!
Oh, Don't believe me? Look all aroun' ... Soon, they'll try to #Gentrify #Feltonville and make it like #Fishtown*! You down?
Come Out, Come Out Whoever and Wherever you are. What happens here... is happening everywhere!
Come Out, Come Out Whoever and Wherever you are. What happens here... is happening everywhere!

267.650.4720 (06-06-2018)
ONE Feltonville & Olney Neighbors Empowered--
* There's absolutely nothing wrong with Fishtown. If that's what you want. And, as long as the community's voice is heard, well...then, I'll shut up and sit down. It's just a rhyme. The "Story" is really about fighting CRIME! - M
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1), or Facebook are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO, #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC
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