The Declaration: A Tribute, In Song (Circa 1970's)
"The Declaration" By The Fifth Dimension
By Brother Michael, OSL
ABOUT: The Fifth Dimension ("5th Dimension") - In 1965, Ron Towson (Deceased 2001, aged 68), and a childhood friend, LaMonte McLemore, formed a singing group called the Versatiles. They soon were renamed the 5th Dimension at the suggestion of Townson's wife, after 'the 5th dimension' of consciousness. Ascension into the Fifth Dimension, according to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails. This has been called the Fifth Dimension. Remember, this was the 70's. Hippies. The "Generation of Peace" [GOP], a Slogan coined by the Nixon Campaign. He was the President who officially ended the War in Viet-Nam.
Other original members of The 5th Dimension, were Florence LaRue, Marilyn McCoo, and Billy Davis; who were eventually married. She turned 75 in 2017.
Early on, some critics, Black and White, dismissed the smooth-sounding group as Black singers trying to sound white. "I know some people accuse us of singing white, but it makes me laugh," Townson told the Los Angeles Times in 1970. "It is based on ignorance. People sing styles. They don't sing colors."
What always appealed to me about this song, as a young radical teen, was that here, was a "Black" music group, SINGING about a document that never had their ancestors best interests at heart. In 1970, some Southern States were STILL denying Blacks the Right to Vote!

For me, now, these days, these times... are a great time to re-introduce this to ALL of America. "That Whenever Any Form Of Government Becomes Destructive of These Ends, It Is The RIGHT of The People To Alter or ABOLISH it"! That, alone, has the later crafted "First Amendment" written all over it!
WHY? Why in 2018, are we living, existing, accepting, some condoning, some promoting a #Despot in office, and a tyrannical pseudo government, when WE The People ..then, overthrew a whole other Country and a despotic "King? ... To now, be under the illegitimate 'rule' of a wanna-be dictator, charletan, imaginary 'king'... is just unacceptable! "We Hold These Truths to be self evident"... ...that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the People to alter, or Abolish it, and; to institute new governments..." I'll just let Marilyn Mc Coo (Davis), Billy Davis, et al explain....
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