Thursday, June 21, 2018


I was Hospitalized last evening around 530PM and Unable to attend the IMPORTANT Anti-Crime Meeting that Feltonville Rec graciously hosted (because 300 fliers later and phone calls, texts, Facebook, Twitter and 198 Emails and my Blog posts) WE expected a large turn out.
When neighbors complained loud and long at our Regular Monthy ALL Community Meetings at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville that "Police aren't doing anything.."
We DEMANDED Action from The Mayor's Office, The Managing Director's Office, The Police Commissioner's Office, The 25th Police District, The East Police Division Inspector, The First Deputy Managing Director of City Services, The First Deputy Police Commissioner for Patrol, The Chief Inspector of Regional Operations Command - North, .... ALL SHOWED UP IN #Feltonville and addressed our concerns. I am forever grateful; to them!
I am embarassed and frankly disgusted, that WE got that kind of showing from "the City" and Police--and I heard that FOUR people attended the "IMPORTANT" Meeting! (Fliers were distributed TWICE and Bilingual) ...
What's YOUR "Excuse"? I was Hospitalized; I don't LIVE in Feltonville--anymore--for those who said I Never Did!
WHY Should I, or any other person, serve, or Labor for YOU, YOUR Neighborhood--and YOU cannot commit one hour, or less FOR YOUR#CommUNITY ,Barrio, Comunidad, tu vecinos y amigos, hermanos y hermanas? Por que? Por que? ¿Por qué no?
Beginning June 30, 2018, ONE Feltonville CCDC (Christian Community Development Center) RCO (Registered Community Organization) will beging to cease metings in FELTONVILLE. By August 19th 2018 we will be a "Meet As Necessary" Organization. All #ONEFeltonville #OnYourBlockgroups will STOP being supported.
By September 1, 2018 (Pending/Tentative) ONLY#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered #ONECDC and #ONEYouth,#ONEYouthAmbassadors will operate along the Border of #ONEFeltonville and #ONECDC at Rsvlt Blvd/Front/Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenue Commercial Corridor. Especially, continuing the involvement of "Monitoring" the Grant and advocating for The#FeltonvilleWarMemorial
ANY Meetings in #ONEFeltonville will continue at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville Pursuant to NOTICE.
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered #ONECDC (RCO Applicant 01-Jun-2018, Phila. City Planning Commission (PCPC)) will continue to meet in various Church and Commnity locations in #Olney.
I/We will continue to participate in the 9th City Council District Commercial Corridors Study (Including #OlneyRisingSunCommercialCorridor and Tabor Rd and also Tacony Creek Park Keepers The Tacony-Tookany-Frankford Watershed PartnershipPhilly Watersheds & Philly Parks & Recreation
-- Meanwhile, I will continue to invest my time and energies in developing the #ONEChurch Church Plant in #Olney Affiliated with the Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, We began last fall with 5 Youth, we now Worship with 12 Youth and only 5 Adults. A mixed Bible Study with 3 Teen boys, 2 of which are Twins and 2 men, 3 including myself as Church Planter/Pastor/Teacher.
ALL Other CCDA Christian Community Development activities and projects will continue to be on my personal and corporate 'hit list' of priorities for our shared communities.
STILL Serving, Him, and You,
In The City, La Ciudad, Del Barrio, Comunidad, Neighborhood, Community for #UNITY
Your Public, Community Servant,


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