Friday, June 29, 2018

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words".... ?

"Oh, Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear..." 
When Actions May Be Provoked By Careless Words
By Rev. D. Michael Blackie, D.D., Litt. D.
(Previously appeared as a facebook post)

"Murder She Wrote"? Or, Murder He Wrought? - Earlier today,  in Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, MD Jarrod Ramos was Arraigned and Indicted on 5 Counts of First Degree Murder and denied bail.
He had a long running dispute with the Capitol Gazette based on a story about him in 2006 cyber-stalking a former High School classmate. He pursued a lawsuit against the paper on his own for defamation, and lost. Editors at the Paper had been to Police and officials previously because of threats from Ramos.
On Thursday, moments after a Tweet saying he was going to do something, he did.
Police say, though, he hadn't actively made any threats prior to his actions on Thursday, since 2013.
What provoked his ire? What rekindled his fire and fury against this Media outlet--that he had previously hated? After losing in his self-represented defamation lawsuit Ramos Tweeted "I'm suing the *expletive* out of everyone in Anne Arundel." But, no direct threats against the Gazette.
Days ago, the President pointed a group of journalists at the back of a room where he was saying "They are the enemy!". On Wednesday, a conservative commentator, supporter of the president and his controversial stances, called for the gunning down of journalists.
Is it at all possible, probable, that Ramos, (and others like him) are emboldened to act when feeling 'cheered on' by national and international figures? Does feling like you're OK to do this, because you believe you'll receive recognition not admonition propel one to act? Does it make your actions a result- a responsibility of those who may have made irresponsible statements, believed to lead to those actions?
"Free Speech" is Constitutionally 'protected'. But, there's good reason for not shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater! But, is it "Illegal", or not protected speech?
"Shouting fire in a crowded theater" is a popular metaphor for speech or actions made - creating unnecessary panic. The phrase is a paraphrasing of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in a 1919 SCOTUS case, (it's long ago been overturned). People had died when "fight" was misheard as "fire" in a crowded church causing a panic and stampede. The paraphrasing does not generally include (but does usually imply) the word falsely, i.e., "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater", which was the original wording used in Holmes's opinion and highlights that speech that is dangerous and false is not protected, as opposed to speech that is dangerous but also true. [Like everyone yelling "Gun!" when they see a gun, regardless of all the drills and training, the instinct is... RUN!]
In the end, the Court ruled unanimously that the First Amendment, though it protects freedom of expression, does not protect dangerous speech.
Although many different scholars view unprotected speech in several and different ways, among some 9 "Categories" of speech not protected is: "Incitement to imminent lawless action".
Were the president's and the commentator's 'comments' an enticement to Ramos? An "Incitement to Imminent lawless action" in light of this knowledge?
You be the "Judge". But, whatever you do, DON'T Yell "Fire Him!" in a crowded theater--or Church. That, would just be irresponsible.
This "Commentary/EDITORIAL"
© DMB dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia
Previously appeared in a different format/version
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