Saturday, August 11, 2018

ONE CDC -- From Many, ONE? (E Pluribus Unum)...

The History and Development of ONE CDC
From Several Groups, ONE Emerges...
#ONECDC is a Program of #ONEChurch (DOC) Olney (#ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia) A "Christian Church-Disciples of Christ" "DOC" Affiliate
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered (Olney Neighbors Empowered CDC (RCO)and #ONEFeltonville CCDC (Christian Community Development Corporation/Center) are a Philadelphia City Planning Commission, "Registered Community Organization" ("RCO") for purposes of Zoning and Civic Design Review, Community Development issues.
ONE Feltonville began as "Feltonville United Neighbors" at 3rd and Wyoming Ave./Mentor Street, in September 2013. In Spring of 2014 the 25th Police District began "Community Meeting"(s) at Feltonville Rec about "Crime & Safety" in the neighborhood of the Rec Center. From those meetings, "Feltonville Town Watch-25th District was formed with 10 "Members". In July 2014 a Member proposed the name ONE Feltonville from an argument about what 'part' of Feltonville a Member lived in. The response of "there's only ONE *expletive* Feltonville... !", WE became ONE (One Neighborhood for Everyone, Our Neighbors Everywhere) Feltonville. In August we moved out of the City Rec Center into a Church that donated its space. In September 2014 our Facilitator/Acting President/Director United the organization with "CCDA" the Christian Community Development Association. Town Watch met bi-monthly at one Church, and ONE Feltonville met Monthly, except December at another -- only a few hundred feet from each other - on East Wyoming Avenue. To be truly reflective and UNITED, by Winter 2014-Spring 2015 ONE Feltonville CCDC was meeting only at one church building located at A Street and Wyoming Avenue. (Special meetings, Symposiums, "Town Hall" meetings were held around the community or at a larger faith-based, church, or community organization location (of any faith).
In August of 2016, ONE Feltonville was 'recognized' by the City Planning Commission as a RCO.
In August 2017, the work of Olney Neighbors Empowered (Originally ONE Feltonville - Olney Neighborhood Engagement Project [Outreach Nurture Empower] late June 2017) began as an advocacy for the parents and student athletes at Olney Charter High School (ASPIRA, Inc. of Pennsylvania "Aspira Schools) and the deplorable condition of the fields -and the seating section "Grandstand" building, fieldhouse facilities (Still owned by the School District).
In June 2018, ONE CDC applied to the Planning Commission for RCO status, it was Granted/Accepted as part of ONE Feltonville's 'Recertification', and recognizes the entirety of "ONE CDC ONE Feltonville Olney Neighbors Empowered RCO" [ONE CDC (RCO)] on July 1, 2018.
ONE CDC "Board of Directors" (open-ongoing Recruitment) is and will be the governing body. (Rev. Dr.) D Michael Blackie, a "Brother" in The Order of St. Luke ("OSL") is "Facilitator", Ministry Internship/Apprentice Jarret A. Diaz, M. Div (Duke) serves as "Administrator" for ONE CDC for #ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia and reports to Brother Michael, OSL.
#ONEFeltonville CCDC (RCO) Meets Monthly at 6:30 PM on the Third Tuesday of every month (except December. July and August are at the discretion of the membership) at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville A st. & E. Wyoming Avenue, 19120. (Town Watch-25th District PSA 2 has been incorporated into these meetings) An Annual (4 years) "Traditional Carols & Candles" gathering for the Christmas/Holidays Season is held each December at Feltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues, Feltonville United Neighbors/ONE Feltonville was instrumental in supporting and securing a "Grant" for redevelopment of the site--still awaiting implementation by the City, developer and the Philadelphia Water Department.
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered (RCO) has met on various days/eves, at various locations, public, religious and private (homes/office), since September 2017, and is currently seeking a "Home Meeting" location in the community.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO BECOME INVOLVED; as a Board Member, or Volunteer, or any other way, Please Reach Out To: #ONECDC 267.650.4720
RECRUITMENT-Engagement Opportunities are Ongoing. (Youth, Community, Church, Faith-Based Organizations may Volunteer for Intensive "Community Service" or "Service Learning" Opportunities through us).
RELATED "Hashtags" (#) #SustainableFeltonville #Sustainable19120
On ONE Feltonville
Olney Neighbors Empowered

COMING EVENT: Community Asset Mapping: Commercial Corridor JOIN US on Saturday, September1, 2018 at 1PM 
HISTORY Compiled, and disseminated, Saturday, 11-August-2018, By Brother D Michael Blackie, OSL assisted by Mr. Diaz.



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