Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Judge Says: "Reasonable, Rational and Appropriate" DOJ Balks!

FEDERAL COURTS, PHILADELPHIA - In a "Strongly worded" decision, Federal Judge Michael Baylson sided with the city in City of Philadelphia v. DOJ on the #SanctuaryCity case. In addition to quoting and using an allegory from "Homer" ("the Odyssey"), Baylson called attempts by the DOJ (and Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions) to tie 'strings' to a Fedral law Enforcement Grant "Arbitrary and capricious" and called the City's attempt to navigate, and 'comply' with tenets of the grant and its cumbersome burden as "reasonable, rational and appropriate".
For Philadelphia, and Mayor Jim Kenney this is a major victory over the Trump White House. Kenney has clearly established himself as 'not a fan' of the current POTUS or any of his actions or decisions. Baylson has presided over this case and the Fed's Appeals since its inception.
Again, this Ruling allows #Philly to keep its #SanctuaryCity status policies and not have to abide with restrictive, punitive attempts to have Police determine a person's Immigration status, or turn detained 'suspects' of questionable Citizenship status over, to ICE or Customs Border Patrol, Immigration Officers within the City. The City has maintained that DOJ/ICE et al MUST obtain a Warrant for the individual. Baylson asked the City and DOJ to reconsider and attempt a compromise. Both balked at the others' offer and both went back to Court. 
However, earlier this year, Baylson previously Ruled that the City was already in 'reasonable compliance' with ICE and DOJ regs and that DOJ was being retaliatory and punitive in its efforts against The City of Philadelphia. He basically strengthened that affirmation today and with strong words according the Opinion he rendered. After the Ruling by Baylson on Wednesday, The White House and DOJ said that "It's a victory for criminal aliens in Philadelphia" and alluded to the city 'protecting' "Illegal aliens" in its borders.

Regardless of heroic attempts by Immigrant Assistance Groups like Juntos, the current Administration still rather enjoys the use of the now outmoded "Illegal Aliens" to describe people, not from The United States; especially 'Brown skin' people; in general, Mexicans in specific.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated matter it was revealed that Mexico has lodged millions of dollars in Tariffs against The U S in response the Trump White House Tariffs levied on Foreign Goods. Professionals in trade and Financial Markets are calling this a "Dangerous time", 'volatile' and say we're engaged in an all out 'Trade war' with Canada, China and, now Mexico.
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, and on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1) or Facebook are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO,#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
Ⓒ D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC


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