Not Your White Jesus: Folowing A Radical, Refugee Messiah"
PRE RELEASE RECOMMENDATION: via Westminster John Knox Press#NotYourWhiteJesus NetGalley COMING IN OCTOBER 2018
The #Jesus you, WE think we KNOW, ... uh uh, he just isn't that guy! He's NOT White! He's NOT American....
"Not Your White Jesus: Following a Radical, Refugee Messiah",
Just might really annoy and agitate some! Good!
"Not Your White Jesus: Following a Radical, Refugee Messiah",
Just might really annoy and agitate some! Good!
When I
RECOMMEND a Book, I want to provoke you to THINK for yourself, but overcome stereotypical beliefs and ideologies ingrained in you! And, guess what else your Jesus is not? He is NOT gonna "Make America Great, Again", or otherwise!

Yup!, THIS ONE May prick you. May rub salt in the wound. And, yet for some it will be strangely calming, healing. That's also good! For too long, too many of us have kept Him from too many 'others' by misrepresenting who He IS, was and who YOU really, really think He loves, loved and who's "in" and "out" of that "Kingdom" that we imagine.
Boy, are you in for a few surprises--and not just from #NotYourWhiteJesus, ... but, maybe from the REAL #Jesus on That Day!
Meanwhile, get ready... ready for Following a Radical, Refugee Messiah....
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