Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Coming Storm...

A Harbinger of Things To Come? What Can We Do To Change Things? 

   In 2015, in a Roman Catholic Mass before the run up to the Papal Visit (His Holiness, Pope Francis) to Philadelphia (World Meeting of Families), a local Catholic Priest preached on "Change".

   On Sunday, February 1, 2015, Rev. James Catagnus, Pastor of  St. Ambrose R.C. Church, Olney (Phila., 19120) spoke, saying: "In the reading of Jonah (3:5-6) Jonah was sent by God to warn the Ninevite people of coming destruction. Jonah storms through Nineveh, frightening the poor citizens out of their wits. It Works! They repent before Jonah has made it a third of the way through the city, and God sees 'by their actions' how they have turned from evil."

  Catagnus goes on to explain a visit by Paul, to the Church at Corinth. He says that "Paul told the Corinthian people (1 Corinthians 7:31) "the world in its present form is passing away." Paul calls for a change of heart. He stops short of telling the Corinthians to set aside their everyday lives, but still he urges them -- rather mysteriously -- 'to live as though they aren't doing the things they're doing."

   The Pastor concluded his remarks about 'change', repentance, preparing for the coming storms of life with a message from the One who would give His life. "Finally, Jesus stands on the shore and cries "The Kingdom of God is at hand!" (Mark 1:15, Matthew 4:17) The Apostles-to-be abandon their nets and follow Him. Thus in all these readings of Scripture, we hear an invitation. An invitation to radical and immediate change in our lives."
   An old Sam Cooke favorite song is "A Change Is Gonna Come", change will come. Change can be simple or profound. Good or bad, depending upon our own perspective.

   With cries across our nation right now for "Change" we have to look at both sides of the coin. Change can effect both sides, both parties in a Newtonian way. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As you think about your own life, the current nature of the world and upcoming elections, I urge you to look introspectively. The hatred and vitriol of this time has cost me several friends this year over politics, as much as religion. "They go low, we go even lower" seemed to be the mantra of the minute.

   Yes, Vote! But, vote with a conscientious mindset, having examined yourself. As for myself, I'm heeding the Michael Jackson song: "I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror". And, so, I am also asking you to 'change your ways'. Change can be good. What exactly, specifically are we willing to change? In our personal lives, work and school lives, community lives and even nationally to make change a good thing for all?

   The change in you, may just be responsible for a sea change in many other areas of your life and existence. Random thoughts. I invite you to think about it.


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