Monday, October 28, 2019

REVIEW: Bible: CSB Christian Standard Bible (From Lifeway)

A Bible (Version) REVIEW: CSB Christian Standard Bible (From Lifeway) [Publishers to the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) via Broadman and Holman Publishing Group] (B&H)

The Ancient Faith Study Bible from LifeWay boasts of study notes and commentary from church fathers 'from the second through fifth centuries'; Those (select) Notes include Irenaeus of Lyons, Origen, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, Athanasius of Alexandria, Jerome, the Cappadocian Fathers, and others. [I only found 1 'woman'; but, then again, it is based on the "Ancient Church" and "Church Fathers" who were entirely misogynist].
The CSB Translation is not my "First" choice. I now shuttle between NKJV, NASB, and ESV (in that order). The copious "Study Notes" are not like, say those in any of the typical Study Bible - ie: The "Life Application Study Bible" By Tyndale House Publishers or the John MacArthur (ESV) Study Bible (By Crossway).
These NOTES and "Commentary" are sporadic, and based upon writings, commentaries and even "Letters" among Church Fathers of old. I found it less than instructive; sometimes, distracting. The selected "Notes" made me want to go research for more by that writer/church father.
In this CSB Translation, [originally published by Broadman and Holman Publishing B&H Publishing Group (Printers to the Southern Baptist Convention) Owners of the CSB Translation Christian 'Standard' Bible -it was also called the "Holman CSB" re issued with very few changes]. Marketing technique? You’ll also find among the pages:
27 articles highlighting one each of the early church fathers on an essential "Doctrinal" Christian truth,
Biographies of 25 of the most influential ancient church fathers; and a category called
“Twisted Truth” call-outs describing where some ancient thinkers drifted from orthodoxy. But, since it was the 'Orthodoxy' of those days, unless seriously 'heretical'... it's 'guilty' of hamartia (Greek: "Missing The Mark").
I compared and contrasted about 100 verses (including "Standards" like John 3:16, John 3:3-8, Acts 1:8, 2:42, Luke 18:1-8, Matthew 25, 26, John 17, and OT: Jonah, Chapters of Jeremiah, Isaiah (53), Psalms, Proverbs, and the "Birth of Jesus accounts of all 3 synoptic gospels. I am not certain it's 'different' enough, or any clearer for a 'newly' "Born Again" Christian, or one young in the faith. [for a list of verses and Chapters I compared, and "Articles" I found particularly helpful, email me direct at: DMBCommunications(at) Gmail(dot) com].
For me; the Ancient Faith Study Bible is a good 'shelf reference', research/resource, teaching (comparison), "Church History" Courses text, and proof-text (with the notes). But, for the every day Christian - 'student'... and not particularly a scholar of church history, religion, doctrine, Christology or Theology it's a 'weighty' (literally) volume.
Lifeway, B&H generously sent me the Leather Touch as a REVIEW COPY. It does hold a place of significance on my Bible Resources shelf at the growing library of ONEChurch D.O.C Philadelphia.
I can RECOMMEND it for serious students of the Word and seekers of "Ancient" Truths from Scripture, based upon the Early Church (Which we MUST remember was, in fact, the Roman - and therefore - Roman Catholic Church. [Although this Bible contains ONLY the 66 Books we, as Protestant, Post-Reformation followers of Jesus know and 'accept' as "Canon"]. Also making this a good reference to compare the Ancient Faith and Church Fathers on Canon and Doctrine(s).
I appreciate the "grace" of this Gift, and the opportunity to provide a REVIEW and RECOMMENDATION. However, I do not think you will find it to your liking if you're a "KJV-1611" or regular-every-day-KJV'er. Sorry. It also will not pass muster with the likes of John Mac Arthur, and beware some "Fundamentalists" who are calling it down-right 'heretical' in itself.
Lastly, the product link provided is what I received. Again, If you're not seriously into Biblical scholarship and Study; the advancement of and liturgical and sacramental or monastic scholarship - but, 'curious' - buy a reasonably less expensive version of the Bible. The "Look Inside" feature on is a good way to "Preview" or make your own review.
The long-and-the-short of it is this: I RECOMMEND this as a "Scholarly" Bible. I enjoy it. I like many of the Articles and "Call-outs". I am seriously a student-scholar and teacher. I DO NOT Recommend this Bible, again, as your every-day-Sunday-Church-going Bible. It's a great, albeit costly, in some versions, Bible Study tool. It's up to you which tools you want in your toolbox. That's why there are power drills and saws and screwdrivers, and that's also why there are still 'hand tools' - for those of us who do it 'the old fashioned way'.
Choose your 'tool', (Or, "Weapon") [based upon Ephesians 6:12]
Brother Michael, OSL
The Order of Saint Luke
ONEChurch D.O.C Philadelphia
Advancing Liturgical and Sacramental Scholarship. ✝️
FOOTNOTE: I WILL use this CSB Version/Translation for Open Air Preaching, and #StreetEvangelism #Outreach (as opposed to KJV, or NASB especially) once I resume "Public Square" Reading and exposition atFeltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues C'mon out and give it a 'hearing'. STAY TUNED... - M
YouTube Product Demo by Lifeway

Original facebook post content 26 October 2019 (EDITED 10-30-2019)


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