"Holy Matrimony, Batman. ..."
To Have and To Hold (Possess?) ... From This Day Forward, To Death Do Us Part...
Literally and figuratively, perhaps!
Is "Holy" Matrimony a LIFE Sentence, or a DEATH Sentence?
I guess, it depends upon who marries whom.
Literally and figuratively, perhaps!
Is "Holy" Matrimony a LIFE Sentence, or a DEATH Sentence?
I guess, it depends upon who marries whom.
#WisdomWednesday - 9 October 2019
#Wedlock and #Matrimony. Interesting that the word is 'wed-lock' ...(Not it's true, historic etymology in usage).
Here, I look at and comment on 'et ux' the historical, legal and [Real Estate] definition of 'the wife'...
et ux.
"and wife" (used to indicate a couple comprising a man [and his otherwise unidentified wife]).* [1]
* COMMENTARY: [1] "...and his otherwise 'unidentified' wife. - 'unidentified' ... you were "property", "Chattle" it's called in Real estate Terms. ["Chattle" is actually spelled Chattel and comes from a Middle English word meaning "property." It is commonly used to refer to degraded or enslaved people;] ...
Still wanna get 'married'?
Here, I look at and comment on 'et ux' the historical, legal and [Real Estate] definition of 'the wife'...
et ux.
"and wife" (used to indicate a couple comprising a man [and his otherwise unidentified wife]).* [1]
* COMMENTARY: [1] "...and his otherwise 'unidentified' wife. - 'unidentified' ... you were "property", "Chattle" it's called in Real estate Terms. ["Chattle" is actually spelled Chattel and comes from a Middle English word meaning "property." It is commonly used to refer to degraded or enslaved people;] ...

"Wedlock is a Padlock" ...?
NO WONDER Today, we have SO MANY "Bums" lounging on some woman's couch, watching HER TV, playing HER video games... She's working paying the RENT, taking care of HIS kids... Ugh! (Outside of "Wedlock"). ...
Reading this Book... ("Wedlock" By Wendy Moore) made me start thinking; "This is how it all began!" The woan brings a "Dowry" [property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage] -- once HE marries her, SHE now becomes, a non-entity. HE is HER, THEM, They... HE takes control of HER Property, Inheritance(s), etc., MAN, did I get SCREWED?! Apparently, I was the 'et ux' in my tedious marriage and finally divorce.
Still, I advocate for WOMEN who, as in this book are HORRIFICALLY abused, taken advantage of and constantly, consistently 'raped' under the guise of "Marriage" Bonds... < [Interesting word, that.].
Ministry wise, for me, I'd rather 10 Funerals to ONE Wedding! (Unlike the movie "3 Weddings and A Funeral" - often, at a wedding, I think "Man, are they DEAD ALIVE!?" .
Does "till Death Do Us Part" Start at "I Do"?
Is Wedlock a "Padlock"? (Oh, and don't get me started on "Chastity Belts"...)
This first appeard as a post on my Facebook page. D. Michael Blackie (aka "Mencken")
Copyright 2019 ARGO-Liberty Communications ~ Philadelphia, LLC
This first appeard as a post on my Facebook page. D. Michael Blackie (aka "Mencken")
Copyright 2019 ARGO-Liberty Communications ~ Philadelphia, LLC
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