Teen Killed In Mexico After Deportation...
Iowa Teen Killed In Mexico, Was Deported By ICE
via my Facebook page
via my Facebook page
I spent a good part of Thursday afternoon into early evening with a Mexican family in the community. The mom came here carrying the (now) 16 year old son at 3 weeks old. Two others were born here since, another son, and a daughter. What our government likes to refer to as "Anchor Babies".
While visiting and talking with this family, we ventured into a conversation about ICE and Deportation. This is how I learned of the boy's status. Just this school year, he has stopped attending school because he was afraid of getting 'arrested' at school and sent to Mexico.
That's when he told me about being brought here as a newborn. "I wouldn't know what to do. I was born there, but never been there since I was 3 weeks old! What would I do in Mexico?" He said.
The dilemma is, the mother and the biological father of all the kids are "Undocumented" like this 16 year old. But, what of the 12 and 9 year old kids born here? If the remainder of the family were grabbed by ICE and detained and deported, likely the others would end up in an already overburdened Foster Care System.
We have to have more sensible, common sense and compassionate Immigration laws and policies. Despite beliefs of the current Administration in Washington, DC, not ALL Mexicans are members of MS-13, or Rapists or Murderers.
Indeed, even this family... Works! Including the 16 year old now that he's not attending school... in a family (food) business. Because, while us misled, misguided "Americans" HATE the Mexicans, and want a wall built and all of them to "Go back to your own Country" -- We love Mexican food! Tacos, Burritos, Chimichangas, Cerveza (Beer) - gotta have our "Corona" at barbecues to wash down that tacqito and corn tortillas! So, as for my friend and his family... They all do their best to 'stay under the radar' so to speak.
I love this family, and it would pain me greatly to see any harm come to them, including being separated by a racist, bigoted, Illegitimate politician who considers many people, people made in the image of God, animals instead. 

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