Friday, June 08, 2018

The New "Monasticism"....Or, How To Be A Monk, Today...

"Monasticism" - Dedicating Oneself to the Study of Scripture, Prayer, and In my case, Affirming "Vows" to "The Rule of Life and Service" of The Order of St Luke (OSL) But, it all beagn with a random chance finding of a book at the local Free Library entitled "Monk Habits For Everyday People" that explained living Benedictine Spirituality. (Based on the Order of St Benedict, and his "Rule").

Q> What Is New Monasticism? 
Q> Who "Wrote The Book On It?"

Q/A.> Aren't "Monks" Catholic? What other Religions have Monks A lot of other Religions have "Monks" (Buddhists, for example) not only the Roman Catholic Church. Althoug it is True, not a lot of Religious Orders are "Protestant"; Martin Luther, the Father of The Reformation was a Monk.

The Order of St. Luke (The Evangelsit, OSL) was originally a Methodist Order, before the Church became The United Methodist Church in 1968. Today, the OSL refers to itself as a "Dispersed Order". "The Order of Saint Luke is a dispersed ecumenical religious order." The Order's focus is on sacramental and liturgical scholarship, Education and practice; and ongoing spiritual formation guided by the Rule of Life and Service. While the majority of OSL members are icurrently in The United States, we have a growing number of members in other countries, including the Philippines and Singapore.

(Below): From The Order of St Luke Facebook Page: 
It's not all Holy-Roley..we have fun. "Monks" can be hilarious.
You can be Holy and Sanctified, and Contemplative and "Religious" without looking like you lost your best friend*, or, you've ben sucking on green persimmons all day! (*In fact #Jesus is your "Best" Best Friend, and He definitely manifests Himself through the Daily Office and The Sacraments 
W. Brent Sturm


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