NEW From Chalice Press: TRUE INCLUSION...
Available September 2018
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Discover how to move your church beyond mere welcome to radical embrace. Your church website says you're welcoming. There's a rainbow flag out front. Your Worship, and messages use gender-inclusive language, and you make sure you greet the stranger next to you on Sunday mornings. But, that really enough?
How Inclusive is your church? Really? Today, it's not just about Welcoming New Neighbors, Visitors, Vacationers. It's more about being welcoming regardless of who they are as a person. Now, likely more than ever before in our history, or the history of the Church, Welcoming The Stranger isn't just about the Refugees Within Our Borders.
It may be about those within the four walls of the church. LGBTQIA Youth, Young Adults, Millennials, any and all of any mix of race, sexuality, gender, gender identity(ies) and preferences. How the Church deals with that; how we act out our Welcoming--today, may make all the difference tomorrow for someone's tomorrow.
Discover how to move your church beyond mere welcome to radical embrace. Your church website says you're welcoming. There's a rainbow flag out front. Your Worship, and messages use gender-inclusive language, and you make sure you greet the stranger next to you on Sunday mornings. But, that really enough?

How Inclusive is your church? Really? Today, it's not just about Welcoming New Neighbors, Visitors, Vacationers. It's more about being welcoming regardless of who they are as a person. Now, likely more than ever before in our history, or the history of the Church, Welcoming The Stranger isn't just about the Refugees Within Our Borders.
It may be about those within the four walls of the church. LGBTQIA Youth, Young Adults, Millennials, any and all of any mix of race, sexuality, gender, gender identity(ies) and preferences. How the Church deals with that; how we act out our Welcoming--today, may make all the difference tomorrow for someone's tomorrow.
In True Inclusion, public theologian and pastor Brandan Robertson points to a clear biblical imperative for radical inclusivity in the sanctuary and in the public square and shares practical, step-by-step approaches to a paradigm-shifting vision of community, "where nothing is simple, nothing is easy, but everything is beautiful."

☛ ✴Use coupon code INCLUDE at or call 1-800-366-3353. Offer expires June 10
Chalice Press is the Board of Publication of the Christian Church (DOC) a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ welcoming all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.”
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