Tuesday, October 29, 2019

BEWARE - The Living, Not The Dead!

The Week of the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Thirtieth Tuesday in Regular (or, Ordinary) Time
Church/Liturgical Calendar
#TeachingTuesday, 29 October 2019
This is the Season after #Pentecost, approaching #Advent
Today's Topic: The Ancient Origins of #Halloween
Though, reading TODAY's Headlines, it DOES NOT have to "Halloween", All Hallows Eve, or Day of The Dead (Dia de la Muerta) for EVIL to be lurking - with or without a mask! 😟
(James 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8 [5:7-9], Ephesians 6:12 [6:10-18] et al)
"It's not the dead that will get us", my late father always said, "It's the ones still living that will!" I think we can TESTIFY to that - every day! Amen?
🔦 Halloween has been observed by many Christians since c.610 CE, and is a contraction of All Hallows’ Eve (Hallow meaning holy ones, or saints). This was followed by All Saints Day on 1 November and All Souls’ Day on 2 November. The three days are collectively known as 'Allhallowtide'. They are a time for honouring the saints and praying for recently departed souls who have yet to reach heaven. Despite this though, Halloween has much older origins and many of the customs today, go back much farther into history.
Originally, "All Saints Day" was celebrated on 1 May. However, both the Celts and Germanic people commemorated the dead at the beginning of winter. So to make the festival appeal to pagans the date was aligned to Samhain from 1 November 835 CE at the behest of [Pope] Gregory IV. Samhain was the first and most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Gaelic calendar and was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. A kindred festival was celebrated by the Brittonic Celts, called Calan Gaeaf in Wales, Kalan Gwav in Cornwall and Kalan Goanv in Brittany, meaning “first day of Winter”. Both Samhain and Calan Gaeaf are mentioned in the earliest Irish and Welsh literature.
Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the darker half of the year. It is seen as a liminal time, where the veil between the physical world and the Otherworld was lifted. This meant the Aos Sidhe, the Fae (spirits and fairies) could more easily visit this world and were active. The Aos Sidhe were ancient Celtic Gods, who were degraded by the (Ancient) early Christian church. Despite being replaced by other beliefs, the Aos Sidhe were both respected and feared. Known fairy dwellings (which still exist today) were approached with caution, with people praying for God’s protection. During Samhain, offerings of food and drink were left outside these dwellings, as an offering, to ensure that the Aos Sidhe protected both families and livestock during the bleak winter months.
Souls of the dead are believed to visit their former homes and places were set at the table to welcome them. In more recent centuries, household rituals and games were played intended to foretell one’s future, especially in regards to death and marriage. These included apple bobbing, nut roasting, scrying using objects such as crystals and mirrors, dream interpretation and others. Bonfires were lit, traditionally on the sacred hill of Tara in Ireland and then once the flames were seen other fires were lit. (Flames, smoke and ashes were all seen as having protective and cleansing powers).
Dressing in costume from door to door begging for appeasement goes back to the 16th century, but may have more ancient Celtic origins. It is believed that disguises and playing tricks helped hide you from malevolent spirits. The carved Jack O’Lantern pumpkin only dates from the 20th century and originally turnips or mangel wurzels were used.
Today, Halloween is more popular than ever, celebrated by both [secular] Christians and pagans. Many churches frown on the celebration altogether; some offer "Harvest Festival" events instead. Those who permit "Halloween" 'parties' insist that children [or adults] not dress as "Satan" (Devil), Witches, or "Ghosts" - some (Roman Catholic) Parishes insist that the costume MUST be a Saint or 'religious' figure.
Material Adapted from: Ancient Treasures email Newsletter

Monday, October 28, 2019

REVIEW: Bible: CSB Christian Standard Bible (From Lifeway)

A Bible (Version) REVIEW: CSB Christian Standard Bible (From Lifeway) [Publishers to the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) via Broadman and Holman Publishing Group] (B&H)

The Ancient Faith Study Bible from LifeWay boasts of study notes and commentary from church fathers 'from the second through fifth centuries'; Those (select) Notes include Irenaeus of Lyons, Origen, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, Athanasius of Alexandria, Jerome, the Cappadocian Fathers, and others. [I only found 1 'woman'; but, then again, it is based on the "Ancient Church" and "Church Fathers" who were entirely misogynist].
The CSB Translation is not my "First" choice. I now shuttle between NKJV, NASB, and ESV (in that order). The copious "Study Notes" are not like, say those in any of the typical Study Bible - ie: The "Life Application Study Bible" By Tyndale House Publishers or the John MacArthur (ESV) Study Bible (By Crossway).
These NOTES and "Commentary" are sporadic, and based upon writings, commentaries and even "Letters" among Church Fathers of old. I found it less than instructive; sometimes, distracting. The selected "Notes" made me want to go research for more by that writer/church father.
In this CSB Translation, [originally published by Broadman and Holman Publishing B&H Publishing Group (Printers to the Southern Baptist Convention) Owners of the CSB Translation Christian 'Standard' Bible -it was also called the "Holman CSB" re issued with very few changes]. Marketing technique? You’ll also find among the pages:
27 articles highlighting one each of the early church fathers on an essential "Doctrinal" Christian truth,
Biographies of 25 of the most influential ancient church fathers; and a category called
“Twisted Truth” call-outs describing where some ancient thinkers drifted from orthodoxy. But, since it was the 'Orthodoxy' of those days, unless seriously 'heretical'... it's 'guilty' of hamartia (Greek: "Missing The Mark").
I compared and contrasted about 100 verses (including "Standards" like John 3:16, John 3:3-8, Acts 1:8, 2:42, Luke 18:1-8, Matthew 25, 26, John 17, and OT: Jonah, Chapters of Jeremiah, Isaiah (53), Psalms, Proverbs, and the "Birth of Jesus accounts of all 3 synoptic gospels. I am not certain it's 'different' enough, or any clearer for a 'newly' "Born Again" Christian, or one young in the faith. [for a list of verses and Chapters I compared, and "Articles" I found particularly helpful, email me direct at: DMBCommunications(at) Gmail(dot) com].
For me; the Ancient Faith Study Bible is a good 'shelf reference', research/resource, teaching (comparison), "Church History" Courses text, and proof-text (with the notes). But, for the every day Christian - 'student'... and not particularly a scholar of church history, religion, doctrine, Christology or Theology it's a 'weighty' (literally) volume.
Lifeway, B&H generously sent me the Leather Touch as a REVIEW COPY. It does hold a place of significance on my Bible Resources shelf at the growing library of ONEChurch D.O.C Philadelphia.
I can RECOMMEND it for serious students of the Word and seekers of "Ancient" Truths from Scripture, based upon the Early Church (Which we MUST remember was, in fact, the Roman - and therefore - Roman Catholic Church. [Although this Bible contains ONLY the 66 Books we, as Protestant, Post-Reformation followers of Jesus know and 'accept' as "Canon"]. Also making this a good reference to compare the Ancient Faith and Church Fathers on Canon and Doctrine(s).
I appreciate the "grace" of this Gift, and the opportunity to provide a REVIEW and RECOMMENDATION. However, I do not think you will find it to your liking if you're a "KJV-1611" or regular-every-day-KJV'er. Sorry. It also will not pass muster with the likes of John Mac Arthur, and beware some "Fundamentalists" who are calling it down-right 'heretical' in itself.
Lastly, the product link provided is what I received. Again, If you're not seriously into Biblical scholarship and Study; the advancement of and liturgical and sacramental or monastic scholarship - but, 'curious' - buy a reasonably less expensive version of the Bible. The Amazon.com "Look Inside" feature on amazon.com/books is a good way to "Preview" or make your own review.
The long-and-the-short of it is this: I RECOMMEND this as a "Scholarly" Bible. I enjoy it. I like many of the Articles and "Call-outs". I am seriously a student-scholar and teacher. I DO NOT Recommend this Bible, again, as your every-day-Sunday-Church-going Bible. It's a great, albeit costly, in some versions, Bible Study tool. It's up to you which tools you want in your toolbox. That's why there are power drills and saws and screwdrivers, and that's also why there are still 'hand tools' - for those of us who do it 'the old fashioned way'.
Choose your 'tool', (Or, "Weapon") [based upon Ephesians 6:12]
Brother Michael, OSL
The Order of Saint Luke
ONEChurch D.O.C Philadelphia
Advancing Liturgical and Sacramental Scholarship. ✝️
FOOTNOTE: I WILL use this CSB Version/Translation for Open Air Preaching, and #StreetEvangelism #Outreach (as opposed to KJV, or NASB especially) once I resume "Public Square" Reading and exposition atFeltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues C'mon out and give it a 'hearing'. STAY TUNED... - M
YouTube Product Demo by Lifeway

Original facebook post content 26 October 2019 (EDITED 10-30-2019)

Pre REVIEW Announcement: Bible Review (Crossway/ESV)

New Release ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible:
Crossway Books and Bibles (Copyright Owner of the (ESV) English Standard Version Bible) have graciously agreed to permit me to REVIEW their "Newly Released" "ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible: Christ in All of Scripture, Grace for All of Life" [Hardcover, casebound, paper dust jacket, xxx + 2057 pp and Maps].
The ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible is designed to help readers see Christ in all of Scripture, and grace for all of life. I believe that advances scholarship of two, possibly three of Martin Luther's #Reformation The Five Solae: (Depending upon the reading and YOUR "Interpretation" of them, according to his own discourse on understanding Scripture).
1.Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”): [The Bible alone is our highest authority.] 2 Timothy 3:16 et al; inter alia,
2. Sola Fide (“faith alone”): [We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ], Hebrews 11:11, Romans 10:17, I Corinthians 2:5, inter alia; And, ...
3. Sola Gratia (“grace alone”): [We are saved by the grace of God alone], Ephesians 2:8-9, inter alia. (ESV, of course!)
Although, if we are "Lutheran" Christians in our faith expression, I'm sure you'll relate this to applying to all of the Five Solae, or Five Solas. So, I hope our friends in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America especially those who Worship Him at Tabor Lutheran Church Philadelphia in our own community will pay close attention to my upcoming review!  [Jane Marston]
(Some Reviews Cross-Posted at: My facebook page )
From the not-for-profit-ministry of Crossway Books and Bibles: "The English Standard Version (ESV) is an "essentially literal" translation of the Bible in contemporary English. The ESV is adapted from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) [1952 and 1971]. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes "word-for-word" accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning.
[1] Suited for personal reading, public worship, in-depth study, and Scripture memorization, the ESV is available in more than 200 print editions on Crossway.org and FREE digitally via mobile apps or online through ESV.org.
Since its publication in 2001, the ESV Bible has gained wide acceptance and is used by church leaders, numerous denominations and organizations, and millions of individuals around the world. [2]
Based upon its Translation of The National Council of Churches of Christ (RSV) Translation(s) of 1952 and 1971, I'd think it would be well received byThe United Methodist Church (Circa 1968) which was using NRSV (New) RSV in my history, 1977, 79, 89-94.
[1] [2] Public Worship/Reading: Along with the "Ancient Faith Study Bible" (CSB) By LifeWay I will often PUBLICLY Read from this ESV Bible atFeltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues in the near future. #StreetEvangelism #Outreach in the Public Square. Many of our younger Christians; "Millennials" in particular use and prefer the ESV Bible. Though not my go-to version of choice, I aver to the hearer/listener(seeker) in the Congregation or audience.
(Romans 10:14, 15 [14-17] ESV via Bible Gateway 📖✝️


Crossway ESV-Gospel-Transformation-Study-Bible (Hardcover/Casebound/Paper Dust Jacket)

Opinions expressed in this or any REVIEW or Commentary are solely those of the Author of the Review and not necessarily those of Gospel House, ONE Church-Philadelphia and/or any other entity. The author asserts his moral right as the sole creator and Copyright owner of this work.

Link to Original Facebook Post: October 26, 2019 (EDITED 10-30-2019)
Copyright Brother Michael OSL
ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC
(Gospel House) Phila.,  PA  19120 3941 32 CR 004

CREED = "Credo": "I Believe... The Apostles' Creed...

THE ANCIENT CREED OF MANY FAITH EXPRESSIONS; Named 'for' The Apostles, ... Not written by them.
The Week of the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
The Thirtieth Monday in Ordinary (or, Regular) Time
This is the Season After #Pentecost Approaching #Advent
#MonasticMonday, 28 October 2019
#ApostlesCreed - This "Ancient" Creed (surpassed only by the Athenasian Creed) was a foundational 'credo' of First Church Christians... 'The Early Church' and 'Church Fathers'. (The later Nicene Creed is a stndard of the Roman Catholic faith expression and often used at Service of Word and Table [#Communion The Lord's Supper #Eucharist] in Main-line Denominational churches such as The United Methodist Church.
Here, R. Albert Mohler, (Controversial President of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and SBC Seminary expounds and exegetes the ages old Creed of our Faith.
From Lifeway.com [B&H Publishing Group] Mohler's Study on The Apotles' Creed, with Foreword by John MacArthur (Grace to You)
"The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits"
- Shared by Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox traditions, the Apostles' Creed is perhaps the most compelling and formidable statement of Christian doctrine the world has ever known. But do we know what it really means—and how it applies to us today?

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

"Holy Matrimony, Batman. ..."

To Have and To Hold (Possess?) ... From This Day Forward, To Death Do Us Part...
Literally and figuratively, perhaps!

Is "Holy" Matrimony a LIFE Sentence, or a DEATH Sentence?

I guess, it depends upon who marries whom.

#WisdomWednesday - 9 October 2019
#Wedlock and #Matrimony. Interesting that the word is 'wed-lock' ...(Not it's true, historic etymology in usage).
Here, I look at and comment on 'et ux' the historical, legal and [Real Estate] definition of 'the wife'...
et ux.
"and wife" (used to indicate a couple comprising a man [and his otherwise unidentified wife]).* [1]
* COMMENTARY: [1] "...and his otherwise 'unidentified' wife. - 'unidentified' ... you were "property", "Chattle" it's called in Real estate Terms. ["Chattle" is actually spelled Chattel and comes from a Middle English word meaning "property." It is commonly used to refer to degraded or enslaved people;] ...
 Still wanna get 'married'?
"Wedlock is a Padlock" ...?
NO WONDER Today, we have SO MANY "Bums" lounging on some woman's couch, watching HER TV, playing HER video games... She's working paying the RENT, taking care of HIS kids... Ugh! (Outside of "Wedlock"). ...
Reading this Book... ("Wedlock" By Wendy Moore) made me start thinking; "This is how it all began!" The woan brings a "Dowry" [property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage] -- once HE marries her, SHE now becomes, a non-entity. HE is HER, THEM, They... HE takes control of HER Property, Inheritance(s), etc., MAN, did I get SCREWED?!   Apparently, I was the 'et ux' in my tedious marriage and finally divorce.
Still, I advocate for WOMEN who, as in this book are HORRIFICALLY abused, taken advantage of and constantly, consistently 'raped' under the guise of "Marriage" Bonds... < [Interesting word, that.].
Ministry wise, for me, I'd rather 10 Funerals to ONE Wedding! (Unlike the movie "3 Weddings and A Funeral" - often, at a wedding, I think "Man, are they DEAD ALIVE!?" .
Does "till Death Do Us Part" Start at "I Do"?
Is Wedlock a "Padlock"? (Oh, and don't get me started on "Chastity Belts"...)  

This first appeard as a post on my Facebook page. D. Michael Blackie (aka "Mencken")
Copyright 2019 ARGO-Liberty Communications ~ Philadelphia, LLC

Dearly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Today....


 "By The Power Vested In Me..." (By who/whom?) ...
"I Now Pronounce You MAN and Wife." ... (Seriously? ... )
By "Tradition? Law"? Legal (Civil Authority/Municipal "License')?
What? I have to "Recognized" by the County Registrar to "marry" you? (Or "Licensed" as a "Practicing Minister" by the State? REALLY?
[Umm, I'm thinking "First Amendment"?] But, I digress...
(un) "Holy" Matrimony?

A distrubingly good read... stirring, gripping, emotional.
"Wedlock" WAS FOREVER 'back-in-the-day as we say. Literally, 'til death do us part... 😟 (I suppose that's why it was called 'wed' 'lock'!).
I literally 'found' this book in someone's Recycling bin. So, yeah, I 'salvaged' it. And, once started reading it; I was so aghast at the treatment of a woman, [women, in general and specific!] I ended up reading it cover-to-cover ... sleepless... and, angrier and more outraged at each new page.
SPOILER ALERT: It's a kind of 'happy ending' ... and, female(s) are the would-be heroines of the day..., but, wait, don't rejoice yet. You've got to READ it, to be affected and effected by its moving content.
In short, (it's Copyright 2010) this 'old' book, about a long-ago 'old' marriage [History/Biography] is a fascinating read. I guess, I'm RECOMMENDING it, but, now, i'm not so sure about performing weddings - for anyone - any more... as it even brought back the horrors - in reverse - of my own failed (No fault of my own) marriage!
horresco referens [Phrase] "Horror in Remembrance"
Meaning: I shudder as I tell [From Virgil's Aeneid, 2.204]
The "Review" by "GoodReads" -  Here   

After ALL that: ...

If you feel you just MUST be "Ordained" so as to 'join' folks together in "Holy" (or as it may turn out- 'unholy') Matrimony; please, consider the Universal Life Church Ministries 

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

"The Jesus Prayer" ... "Lord, ... Have Mercy On Me... "


D Michael Blackie
 is with Jeremy Chen and 3 others at Wyoming Library - Free Library of Philadelphia.
11 minsPhiladelphia
#TeachingTuesday 8 October 2019
RECOMMENDED READING:    📚 - "The Jesus Prayer" (Ancient, Eastern Orthodox Tradition, Derived from the "Sh'ema [Jewish] Prayer). ByJohn Michael Talbot
I just received the book, from InterVarsity Press IVPress.com
The Jesus Prayer, by John Michael Talbot, a modern "Monastic"* - and, I DEVOURED it in ONE Night!
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me [a sinner]." This very simple prayer was developed in the deserts of Ancient Egypt and Biblical Palestine during the early centuries of Christian faith. It has been practiced in the Eastern Orthodox Church ever since. It is a prayer inspired by St. Paul's exhortation to "pray constantly" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and its purpose is to tune one's inner attention to the presence of the Lord. Slightly changed, over the years, but essentially the same.
I Highly, highly RECOMMEND This Book 📗 - For individual, Pastor/Congregant reading, or a Book Study over a few weeks. YOU WILL BE BLESSED and ENRICHED!
*Talbot, a former Christian music and entertainment 'star' in my late youth. [johnmichaeltalbot.com] Also author, speaker and "monk". Tabot along with Brothers and Sisters of Charity live in an intentional (monastic) community. He operates School of Spirituality (Spiritual Direction). [https://littleportion.org/]
Also the author of: "Francis of Assisi's Sermon on the Mount:
Lessons from the Admonitions" (https://www.troubadourforthelord.net/product.sc…)
This version of The Jesus Prayer, Copyright 2019 Re issued, .... this is the small, managable Paperback Edition 
Related Reading: 📘(Available at Free Library of Philadelphia)
Ebook: https://know.freelibrary.org/Record/2206934
Mathewes-Green, F., & hoopla digital. (2011). Praying the Jesus prayer. [United States]: Paraclete Press.

Also RECOMMENDED By the same Author:
"Francis of Assisi's Sermon on the Mount:
Lessons from the Admonitions"


"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner." These words from the Eastern Christian tradition have strengthened and comforted believers for centuries. In these pages, John Michael Talbot explores the roots of this Jesus Prayer along with the theological and practical meaning of each word for bel...