Friday, June 29, 2018

"Actions Speak Louder Than Words".... ?

"Oh, Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear..." 
When Actions May Be Provoked By Careless Words
By Rev. D. Michael Blackie, D.D., Litt. D.
(Previously appeared as a facebook post)

"Murder She Wrote"? Or, Murder He Wrought? - Earlier today,  in Anne Arundel County, Annapolis, MD Jarrod Ramos was Arraigned and Indicted on 5 Counts of First Degree Murder and denied bail.
He had a long running dispute with the Capitol Gazette based on a story about him in 2006 cyber-stalking a former High School classmate. He pursued a lawsuit against the paper on his own for defamation, and lost. Editors at the Paper had been to Police and officials previously because of threats from Ramos.
On Thursday, moments after a Tweet saying he was going to do something, he did.
Police say, though, he hadn't actively made any threats prior to his actions on Thursday, since 2013.
What provoked his ire? What rekindled his fire and fury against this Media outlet--that he had previously hated? After losing in his self-represented defamation lawsuit Ramos Tweeted "I'm suing the *expletive* out of everyone in Anne Arundel." But, no direct threats against the Gazette.
Days ago, the President pointed a group of journalists at the back of a room where he was saying "They are the enemy!". On Wednesday, a conservative commentator, supporter of the president and his controversial stances, called for the gunning down of journalists.
Is it at all possible, probable, that Ramos, (and others like him) are emboldened to act when feeling 'cheered on' by national and international figures? Does feling like you're OK to do this, because you believe you'll receive recognition not admonition propel one to act? Does it make your actions a result- a responsibility of those who may have made irresponsible statements, believed to lead to those actions?
"Free Speech" is Constitutionally 'protected'. But, there's good reason for not shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater! But, is it "Illegal", or not protected speech?
"Shouting fire in a crowded theater" is a popular metaphor for speech or actions made - creating unnecessary panic. The phrase is a paraphrasing of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in a 1919 SCOTUS case, (it's long ago been overturned). People had died when "fight" was misheard as "fire" in a crowded church causing a panic and stampede. The paraphrasing does not generally include (but does usually imply) the word falsely, i.e., "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater", which was the original wording used in Holmes's opinion and highlights that speech that is dangerous and false is not protected, as opposed to speech that is dangerous but also true. [Like everyone yelling "Gun!" when they see a gun, regardless of all the drills and training, the instinct is... RUN!]
In the end, the Court ruled unanimously that the First Amendment, though it protects freedom of expression, does not protect dangerous speech.
Although many different scholars view unprotected speech in several and different ways, among some 9 "Categories" of speech not protected is: "Incitement to imminent lawless action".
Were the president's and the commentator's 'comments' an enticement to Ramos? An "Incitement to Imminent lawless action" in light of this knowledge?
You be the "Judge". But, whatever you do, DON'T Yell "Fire Him!" in a crowded theater--or Church. That, would just be irresponsible.
This "Commentary/EDITORIAL"
© DMB dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia
Previously appeared in a different format/version
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1), or Facebook  are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO, #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
© D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner 2018 aka Brother Michael, OSL  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC 

"The Devil Made Me Do It"? ....

The Devil, You say? Them's Fightin' Words In These Parts, Son. The "Free Speech" Debate and When Words Cause Harm.
(This Article Appeared in a Different Version/Form on my facebook page)
By D Michael Blackie, D.D. Litt. D.

#FreeSpeech? Protected, or "Fighting Words"?
The #FirstAmendment of The Constitution of The United States of America ["The Bill of Rights"] (The First Ten 'Amendments' to The Constitution) states that: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petitition the Government for a redress of grievances.".
In the "Fighting words" doctrine, in United States constitutional law, - a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is codified, not just implied. In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in "Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire"; 315 U.S. 568 (1942), words which "by their very utterance, inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. ...
In the past, the primary legal test used in the United States to determine if speech could be criminalized was called the "bad tendency" test. It was rooted in "English Common Law". The 'test' permitted certain speech to be outlawed - 'if it had a tendency to harm public welfare'.
"Clear and Present Danger" Doctrine was adopted later by SCOTUS to determine under what circumstances limits can be placed on First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, or assembly. The test was replaced in 1969 with Brandenburg v Ohio’s “Imminent Lawless Action” test.
So, "Imminent Lawless Action" is a standard currently used that was established by the United States Supreme Court in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), for defining limits of free speech.
Brandenburg clarified what constituted a "clear and present danger", [the standard established by Schenck v. United States (1919), and overruled Whitney v. California (1927)], which had held that speech that merely 'advocated violence' could be made illegal.
Under the imminent lawless action test, speech is not protected by the First Amendment if the speaker intends to incite a violation of the law that is both imminent and likely. [18 USC 2102]
While the precise meaning of "imminent" may be ambiguous in some cases, the court provided later clarification [in Hess v. Indiana (1973)] in which the court found that Hess's words did not fall outside the limits of protected speech, in part, because his speech "amounted to nothing more than advocacy of illegal action at some indefinite future time...", and therefore did not meet the imminence requirement.
The two legal prongs that constitute incitement of imminent lawless action is as follows:
Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action...
Another category, known as "Fighting words" are a category of speech that is UNPROTECTED by the First Amendment. Likewise, "Clear and Present Danger" was a doctrine adopted by the SCOTUS to determine under what circumstances limits can be placed on First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, or assembly.
So, Freedom of Speech then, does NOT mean that a person, any person, can say whatever they want to say. Freedom of Speech means that someone's right to say something is protected within certain limits. ... A person has the right to say it, but they also have to be aware of and responsible for the consequences.
So, as Public Officials and "Media" 'personalities', celebrities in some circles, say hateful, incitefullly violent things-- are they "Fighting words", or incitement of imminent 'lawless action'? Do their careless, callous statements cause lawless action?
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.", is a line from a Shakespeare play (Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2). Porr ole Dick the Butcher! He's been oft quoted and misquoted since! But, If I go out after seeing and hearing that- and start killing lawyers, would Billy Shakespeaere be accountable, were he alive? (Likely not--because it was BEFORE The US was the US [1597]), or SCOTUS protections, or punishments!
Are we responsible for our own actions? Or, can others' irresponsible, misguided--or, perhaps calculated 'speech' make us do things?
"The Devil made Me Do It"? I think the 'devil' gets a bad rap. We've been blaming him since the beginning of time. Time for someone, somebody, anybody, to stand up and face responsibility-- for words, and their resultant actions!
This "Commentary/EDITORIAL"
© DMB dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia
Previously appeared in a different format/version
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1), or Facebook  are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO, #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
© D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner 2018 aka Brother Michael, OSL  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC 

"Do Not Pass Go... Go Directly To Jail."

Disgraced Former State Rep. Acosta Heads To Jail!

HUNTING PARK - Former State Representative Leslie Acosta (D-197) was a rising star! Until her own flames burned her down. Acosta, indicted and disgraced in a scandal that began before she was elected was sentenced to 7 months in a Federal Pentitentiary. Likely somewhere like Allenwood, which is more like a Country Club than prison, but prison is prison when your movement and activities are strictly limited and controlled. (It's where the late, former City Councilman Jimmy Tayoun spent 2 years). 
Lies, extortion, money laundering and more lies have enduring consequences. The figures don't lie; and liars never figure.
Acosta was the first Latina State Representative in The PA House of Representatives. In the 1980's her father Ralph Acosta blazed the trail as the first Latino elected to a then mostly White, 180th District in mostly Kensington/Fishtown. Now, 85 years of age and "Retired" he lives mostly in Central America. 
As someone who knew Acosta (since she was 9 years old), I was outraged by her actions. Leslie was active in the early formative days of ONE Feltonville and our Town Watch.(Though I was leery of her involvement equalling an "Agenda"). Acosta replaced another indicted Representative in the same seat, J P (Jose) Miranda In fact, the 197th PA Legislative District has been a disgrace itself since long time incumbent Bill Reiger held the seat [in what was then the 179th District]. Later held by Tony Payton ( a housing activist and community organizer from the Frankford neighborhood), and now, Jason Dawkins, a former City Council Aide to Maria Q. Sanchez.
I can't say I was an ardent supporter. I was around and with Leslie a lot during her campaign. But, had adopted a wait-and-see attitude. I was often, accused, tongue-in-cheek, mostly of being a 'spy' for then write in, perennial Candidate Edward Lloyd, a Democratic Committeeperson, activist, and loud mouthed conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, I constantly accused Acosta of being "just another politician!". She constantly countered "No, no, really (Blackie) I'm not like them. C'mon. Seriously, I want to help people.".

Meanwhile, it seems, at the end of the day she had ben helping people all along. Helping them to what Former (Convicted) State Senator Vince Fumo called "OPM" ("Other People's Money").
Though Acosta resigned her seat (forced to resign) she stayed active in the behind-the-scenes, politics and corruption of the District and maintained strong ties to the Matos-Tartaglione clan and their corrupt clout!
Voters in the District just chose one non-resident of the District over another, over the incumbent. Neither Candidate Freddy Ramirez (An Acosta ally), nor Danilo Burgos (Former City Council Staffer to Councilwoman Maria Quinones Sanchez (D-7th District) and Alan Domb (D At Large), live IN the 197th District. Incumbent Emilio Vasquez does live in the District, was the Ward Leader of the 43rd Ward, but was ineffective, near inept at the electioneering necessary to keep his seat. (Maybe, he'll have his political patronage job at the Philadelphia Parking Authority to fall back on).
I can happily say, I don't live in the 197th anymore. In my Olney community, now, State Representative Jason Dawkins is my Representative. I have his ear. We may not have each others' respect. (We had our 'issues' with each other about his former Boss-lady). But, for my vote, he gets the job done. So far, I haven't heard about him having his hand in anyone else's money drawer! So far, ...

Meanwhile, stay tuned for more and more indictments to keep coming down in the dirtiest district in the city... possibly the entire Commonwealth. (PHOTO: ©Philadelphia Daily News)

This "Commentary/EDITORIAL"
© DMB dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia
Previously appeared in a different format/version
with © Philadelphia Daily News/Philly dot com
content on My facebook page, HERE
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed here, on my Twitter account (@GoWestYoungMan1), or Facebook  are entirely mine, (DMB/Brother Michael) and do not necessarily represent the views or beliefs of the leadership or membership of #ONEFeltonville CCDC RCO, #OlneyNeighborsEmpowered and/or Feltonville Town Watch. When in Juniata News, my views do not represent the opinions of the newspaper.
© D. Michael Blackie, Principal/Owner 2018 aka Brother Michael, OSL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
DMB Communications dba ARGO-Liberty Communications~Philadelphia, LLC 

Monday, June 25, 2018

NEW "ONE Church Olney Facebook Page...

VISIT AND  LIKE Our New #ONEChurch Olney Page
Mizpah! [See: Genesis 31: 49-50] (Jude 11:29)

"The Lord watch between you and me, when we are absent one from the other. ... remember, God is witness between you and me".
-- For this reason 'Mizpah' has often been interpreted as signifying an emotional bond between people who are separated, either physically, by distance, or by death.
At #ONEChurch We believe strongly in the bond between all people. Hence, our desire to love and care for and about individuals, and uniqueness and differences. The well-being of body, mind and spirit [and Spiritual well being] of all our friends, neighbors, visitors; strangers and 'refugees' seeking "Sanctuary".
We are part of Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. We welcome ALL to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.
Christian Church6 Likes
#ONEChurch (DOC) Olney's photo.
#ONEChurch (DOC) Olney

Thursday, June 21, 2018


I was Hospitalized last evening around 530PM and Unable to attend the IMPORTANT Anti-Crime Meeting that Feltonville Rec graciously hosted (because 300 fliers later and phone calls, texts, Facebook, Twitter and 198 Emails and my Blog posts) WE expected a large turn out.
When neighbors complained loud and long at our Regular Monthy ALL Community Meetings at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville that "Police aren't doing anything.."
We DEMANDED Action from The Mayor's Office, The Managing Director's Office, The Police Commissioner's Office, The 25th Police District, The East Police Division Inspector, The First Deputy Managing Director of City Services, The First Deputy Police Commissioner for Patrol, The Chief Inspector of Regional Operations Command - North, .... ALL SHOWED UP IN #Feltonville and addressed our concerns. I am forever grateful; to them!
I am embarassed and frankly disgusted, that WE got that kind of showing from "the City" and Police--and I heard that FOUR people attended the "IMPORTANT" Meeting! (Fliers were distributed TWICE and Bilingual) ...
What's YOUR "Excuse"? I was Hospitalized; I don't LIVE in Feltonville--anymore--for those who said I Never Did!
WHY Should I, or any other person, serve, or Labor for YOU, YOUR Neighborhood--and YOU cannot commit one hour, or less FOR YOUR#CommUNITY ,Barrio, Comunidad, tu vecinos y amigos, hermanos y hermanas? Por que? Por que? ¿Por qué no?
Beginning June 30, 2018, ONE Feltonville CCDC (Christian Community Development Center) RCO (Registered Community Organization) will beging to cease metings in FELTONVILLE. By August 19th 2018 we will be a "Meet As Necessary" Organization. All #ONEFeltonville #OnYourBlockgroups will STOP being supported.
By September 1, 2018 (Pending/Tentative) ONLY#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered #ONECDC and #ONEYouth,#ONEYouthAmbassadors will operate along the Border of #ONEFeltonville and #ONECDC at Rsvlt Blvd/Front/Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenue Commercial Corridor. Especially, continuing the involvement of "Monitoring" the Grant and advocating for The#FeltonvilleWarMemorial
ANY Meetings in #ONEFeltonville will continue at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville Pursuant to NOTICE.
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered #ONECDC (RCO Applicant 01-Jun-2018, Phila. City Planning Commission (PCPC)) will continue to meet in various Church and Commnity locations in #Olney.
I/We will continue to participate in the 9th City Council District Commercial Corridors Study (Including #OlneyRisingSunCommercialCorridor and Tabor Rd and also Tacony Creek Park Keepers The Tacony-Tookany-Frankford Watershed PartnershipPhilly Watersheds & Philly Parks & Recreation
-- Meanwhile, I will continue to invest my time and energies in developing the #ONEChurch Church Plant in #Olney Affiliated with the Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, We began last fall with 5 Youth, we now Worship with 12 Youth and only 5 Adults. A mixed Bible Study with 3 Teen boys, 2 of which are Twins and 2 men, 3 including myself as Church Planter/Pastor/Teacher.
ALL Other CCDA Christian Community Development activities and projects will continue to be on my personal and corporate 'hit list' of priorities for our shared communities.
STILL Serving, Him, and You,
In The City, La Ciudad, Del Barrio, Comunidad, Neighborhood, Community for #UNITY
Your Public, Community Servant,

Even from a #Mormon perspective, ...

Subverting God's Word? Even From A #Mormon perspective.... It's WRONG.... W R O N G!!! 

Even Mormons Decry Trump Chumps Misuse of Scripture!

No matter how much A G Sessions, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Insist that Illegal Policies instituted by their boss, the Illegitimate Squatter in The People's House, In Washington, DC, are "Biblical" or sound "Theology" ... They're Not!

And, since he has flipped, flopped, and flip-flopped again, do we have enough "Evidence" yet to remove him from office for being "Mentally Incompetent"? Either he is a very cool, calculated con man, or he is a 'stable genius' fooling all of his with some yet uncovered plan to run this Country forever, or ruin this Country forever!

I'm leaning toward a little of both. But I am definitely leaning more toward he's a cool, calculated con artist!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Engage in Sacred Resistance

TODAY, More Than Ever, We Need To Be Engaged In #SacredResistance 
Here's A Resource To Help
Brother Michael, OSL

et empowered to speak out and act in troubled times.
Get empowered to speak out and act in troubled times.
In the midst of polarized communities and nations, religious leaders across the theological spectrum are seeking help with how to respond and lead in troubled times. The need for courage to speak out and act is ever-present, because every generation faces a new set of fears and troubles.
   Author Ginger Gaines-Cirelli pastors a church in the heart of Washington DC, adjacent to the White House, which actively works to bring justice and help for marginalized communities, refugees and immigrants, and the endangered earth. She inspires and leads this work through preaching and by organizing and developing strong leaders, deeply rooted in a well-developed theological understanding. Pastoral warmth and compassion characterize the recommended practices.

In Sacred Resistance, Gaines-Cirelli addresses these tough questions, among others:
  • When Christians see that something is wrong in our nation or community, how and when should we respond?

  • When we see multiple instances of "wrongs", how do we choose which ones to address?

  • How can pastors and other leaders faithfully take risks without violating relationships with the congregation or denomination

  • What historical, biblical, and theological safety nets can be relied on?

  • How can we take care of ourselves and one another, so that our ministries and lives are sustained?
"Our resistance is 'sacred' because it is driven not primarily by self-interest or fear or even only a benevolent wish for the good of an oppressed group. It is 'sacred' because it is driven by God at work in and through us. It is 'sacred' because it is grounded in God's vision of wholeness—a wholeness that embraces difference and delights in the surprises of unlikely friendship, a wholeness that calls us to take up the cross, a wholeness that is worth our suffering and sacrifice. When it is God who inspires our action, sustains our action, and provides the ultimate vision that is the goal of our action we are engaged in 'sacred' resistance."
From Sacred Resistance: A Practical Guide to Christian Witness and Dissent

Praise for Sacred Resistance

"Writing with the heart of a pastor and the passion of a prophet, Gaines-Cirelli breathes fresh, indeed sacred new life into "resistance" and "politics" reminding all Christians that standing with the marginalized, poor, and harmed is not a choice but a wondrous obligation. Hers is a powerful word for this moment in our nation, and for all moments. Taking a sacred stance towards injustice is quite simply what it means to be a Christian. This book may well change not only your mind but your heart. Powerful, gentle, true, humble, demanding, inviting and above all, faithful—Gaines-Cirelli ushers us into the kin-dom that's here."—Serene Jones, President, Union Theological Seminary, New York City
"Ginger Gaines-Cirelli does us all a favor here by redefining "resistance"; taking it out of the temporal realm of today's politics and moving it to a place where committed Christians can determine to fight injustice and live lives of hope and love of God and community."—Mike McCurry, Former White House Press Secretary and Director/Professor, Center for Public Theology, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC
Ginger Gaines-Cirelli is a terrific leader at Foundry United Methodist Church, which was my spiritual home when I lived in Washington, DC. Now she has written a timely, important book for anyone searching for hope, strength, and meaning in troubled times. She offers thoughtful, heartfelt guidance to seasoned activists and newcomers alike on how to keep perspective, strengthen bonds of empathy and community, and ground our lives in 'sacred resistance. A powerful reminder to keep fighting and keep faith."
—Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former U.S. Secretary of State

Ginger Gaines-Cirelli is the Senior Pastor at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC. She previously served as pastor at two other beltway area United Methodist Churches, St. Matthew's and Capitol Hill. She earned the MDiv at Yale Divinity School and was a Princeton Theological Fellow. She served as a general editor for the CEB Women's Bible.


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#ONEChurch St. Luke Chapel
Serving Feltonville, Hunting Park and Olney In Olney 19120
267.650.4720  Email Us!