Friday, August 24, 2018

CDC Board of Directors: Members Wanted

D Michael Blackie
 via Nextdoor The Private Social Network for Neighborhoods

#ONECDC ONEFeltonville CCDC - RCOOlney Neighbors Empowered -  (RCO) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Recruitment is Ongoing, but we have an IMMEDIATE NEED FOR:
1). A "Realtor", Licensed Agent, Broker, Co-Broker or Commercial Broker, Leasing Agent...
2). Tax Acountant, (CPA, Certified Public Accountant), Experienced with Corporations, Not-For-Profit, IRS Code 501 (c) (3) [501 (c) (4), (c) (9)
3). Attorney(s)... Various 'specialities...
Thank you for your Interest--and Service!
COMING EVENT: Community Asset Mapping: Commercial Corridor JOIN US on Saturday, September1, 2018 at 1PM 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Not Your White Jesus: Folowing A Radical, Refugee Messiah"

D Michael Blackie
, Professional Reader
via facebook, NetGalley
From Westminster John Knox Press
PRE RELEASE RECOMMENDATION: via Westminster John Knox Press#NotYourWhiteJesus NetGalley COMING IN OCTOBER 2018
The #Jesus you, WE think we KNOW, ... uh uh, he just isn't that guy! He's NOT White! He's NOT American....
"Not Your White Jesus: Following a Radical, Refugee Messiah", 
Just might really annoy and agitate some! Good!
When I  RECOMMEND a Book, I want to provoke you to THINK for yourself, but overcome stereotypical beliefs and ideologies ingrained in you! And, guess what else your Jesus is not? He is NOT gonna "Make America Great, Again", or otherwise!
Yup!, THIS ONE May prick you. May rub salt in the wound. And, yet for some it will be strangely calming, healing. That's also good! For too long, too many of us have kept Him from too many 'others' by misrepresenting who He IS, was and who YOU really, really think He loves, loved and who's "in" and "out" of that "Kingdom" that we imagine.
Boy, are you in for a few surprises--and not just from #NotYourWhiteJesus, ... but, maybe from the REAL #Jesus on That Day!
Meanwhile, get ready... ready for Following a Radical, Refugee Messiah....
NetGalley is a site where book reviewers and other professional readers can read books before they are published, in e-galley or digital galley form. Members register for free and can request review copies or be invited to…

Sunday, August 12, 2018

What, Exactly Am I Responsible For?

Times Are Tough! I Mean, What's A Person To Do?

WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? What Should You Do? 

   A Few Years Ago, when "WWJD?" was still a 'thing'... I came across this, and don't recall where-exactly, or how. But, from time to time as this big green ball of soil, air, water and carbon based life forms continues to spin; or spin out of control....

   I sometimes find myself asking "Where's the Church?".  Not the Church in that condescending, today's definition of "Evangelical", or "conservative", 'holier-than-thou' judgmental Christian Church...

   But, The Church, that He started, that the Apostles, and Disciples kept ALIVE after His death and resurrection and ascension.... that Church! The Church that loved, cared, and, at its best and worst, was ... well, ... relevant:

   "I simply argue that the cross be raised again in the town square; at the center of the marketplace, as well as on the church steeple. I am recovering the claim that Jesus was not crucified in a Cathedral between two candles, but on a high cross, b
etween two thieves: on the town garbage heap; at a crossroads so cosmopolitan that they had to write his title in Hebrew, in Latin, and in Greek.... And, at the kind of place where cynics talk smut, thieves curse and soldiers gamble. Because that's where He died. And, that is what He died about. And that is where churchmen ought to be and what churchmen ought to be about." - Geo. Mac Leod, Scottish soldier, Evangelist and Theologian 

   Relevant. Is the Church still relevant? Is your church still relevant, based upon Mac Leod's definition of 'where the Church should be', and his call-out of church folk, and what they 'ought' to be about - and, very specifically 'where' WE ought to be? 

   I agree with, and embrace his long ago claim, and challenge. For too long we've been crucifying Jesus again, every Good Friday, and Raising Him again every "Easter"; Birthing Him again every Christmas.  And, we teach, and preach... to the Choir! Every Sunday; most Wednesdays, a few Thursdays here-and-there. Baptisms, Weddings. Sadly, Funerals, for some we don't know if Believed, claimed, or proclaimed Him, or ever called on His name! (And, more sadly, maybe the only time in an entire Pastorate, 'the sermon' gets 'preached', outside, at that place of death, the cemetery)!

"Come Out, Come Out, Wherever 
You Are"!  Come out Christians! Out of those cozy, comfy, church padded chairs that replaced the hard, stiff, uncomfortable pews that used to be in the Sanctuary. Come out, to the streets, the mall, the shopping strip, retail commercial corridor; today's town garbage heap that place where people dump their trash, old couches, bed-bug-ridden bedding and broken beer bottles! Raise The Cross, on a traffic island that memorializes long dead soldiers who gave their lives so we can raise the cross, or the flag! Don't preach Him, teach about Him, show Him to people. Bring them to Him. 

   Someone attributed the quote "Preach Jesus! Use Words When Necessary" to St. Francis (Of Assissi) no one's really certain who said it but, Francis did live it! We sometimes refer to someone as so good "he'll give you the shirt off his back" - That was Francis. So very poor, - in goods. So very rich, in Spirit, and Belief. Literally preached naked at once because he had given the cloak and robe off his back to a person more needy than himself! (Now, I'm not advocating naked preaching! No! I'm not sure I wanna see my Preacher, or several few others in the buff! And, I know you, or no one else wants to see this preacher sans clothes; No, knowing my own strengths and weaknesses--and 'blemishes'... and, that I definitely look better 'Robed' than disrobed! I'll stay clothed!). 

   Times are tough! Whew! Are they ever?! And, things don't seem to be getting much better anytime soon. Sadly, the Church, our church, is 'circling the wagons'! Instead, we should be loading up, movin' 'em on out and taking the 'chuck wagon', the gravy train' to the Public Square, the market place called 7-Eleven, Save-A-Lot, Cousins' Market, the nearest War Memorial, Veterans Plaza, park, playground, ball courts, school yards and that trash dump, forgotten back-street, and those that inhabit it. And, while there dispense not, or not only physical food and drink, but Spiritual food and that water that really, really satisfies a thirst! Jesus likely knew, and spoke Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, so, if that public square you go to is so cosmopolitan, don't go expecting everyone to 'order' in English only! No "Habla Ingles Solamente aqui, por favor" signs, or behaviours. This IS America, but, we DO NOT Speak English Only here!

   Relevance! You're asking, "Well, what exactly are my responsibilities?". I once saw a magazine article only glancingly, I don't have the attribution; but, the 'sidebar' read: 
"what exactly are my responsibilities? Your responsibilities are exactly equal to your opportunities".

   Opportunities abound! Raise The Cross! Recover the claim! I'll be right there with you! (I tend to like 'tag team' preaching anyway!) No, Seriously, I do. Good old fashioned Street Evangelism, "Tent Meeting", "Camp Meeting" "Revival" Under the tent, or open-air! Anywhere! As long as it's Out There! 

See Ya On The Streets, In The Public Square, 

Deo soli gloria. Jesu juva. 
gloria a Dios solamente. Jesús salva. almjd lilah wahdih. yaswae yunqidh. Glory to God only. Jesus saves!
Amén. Brother Michael, OSL
"At The End Of The Day Though, I Still Want To Feel, ...To Know, That I've Truly Been To Church; Not Just To The Big Show!" - Me

Saturday, August 11, 2018

ONE CDC -- From Many, ONE? (E Pluribus Unum)...

The History and Development of ONE CDC
From Several Groups, ONE Emerges...
#ONECDC is a Program of #ONEChurch (DOC) Olney (#ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia) A "Christian Church-Disciples of Christ" "DOC" Affiliate
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered (Olney Neighbors Empowered CDC (RCO)and #ONEFeltonville CCDC (Christian Community Development Corporation/Center) are a Philadelphia City Planning Commission, "Registered Community Organization" ("RCO") for purposes of Zoning and Civic Design Review, Community Development issues.
ONE Feltonville began as "Feltonville United Neighbors" at 3rd and Wyoming Ave./Mentor Street, in September 2013. In Spring of 2014 the 25th Police District began "Community Meeting"(s) at Feltonville Rec about "Crime & Safety" in the neighborhood of the Rec Center. From those meetings, "Feltonville Town Watch-25th District was formed with 10 "Members". In July 2014 a Member proposed the name ONE Feltonville from an argument about what 'part' of Feltonville a Member lived in. The response of "there's only ONE *expletive* Feltonville... !", WE became ONE (One Neighborhood for Everyone, Our Neighbors Everywhere) Feltonville. In August we moved out of the City Rec Center into a Church that donated its space. In September 2014 our Facilitator/Acting President/Director United the organization with "CCDA" the Christian Community Development Association. Town Watch met bi-monthly at one Church, and ONE Feltonville met Monthly, except December at another -- only a few hundred feet from each other - on East Wyoming Avenue. To be truly reflective and UNITED, by Winter 2014-Spring 2015 ONE Feltonville CCDC was meeting only at one church building located at A Street and Wyoming Avenue. (Special meetings, Symposiums, "Town Hall" meetings were held around the community or at a larger faith-based, church, or community organization location (of any faith).
In August of 2016, ONE Feltonville was 'recognized' by the City Planning Commission as a RCO.
In August 2017, the work of Olney Neighbors Empowered (Originally ONE Feltonville - Olney Neighborhood Engagement Project [Outreach Nurture Empower] late June 2017) began as an advocacy for the parents and student athletes at Olney Charter High School (ASPIRA, Inc. of Pennsylvania "Aspira Schools) and the deplorable condition of the fields -and the seating section "Grandstand" building, fieldhouse facilities (Still owned by the School District).
In June 2018, ONE CDC applied to the Planning Commission for RCO status, it was Granted/Accepted as part of ONE Feltonville's 'Recertification', and recognizes the entirety of "ONE CDC ONE Feltonville Olney Neighbors Empowered RCO" [ONE CDC (RCO)] on July 1, 2018.
ONE CDC "Board of Directors" (open-ongoing Recruitment) is and will be the governing body. (Rev. Dr.) D Michael Blackie, a "Brother" in The Order of St. Luke ("OSL") is "Facilitator", Ministry Internship/Apprentice Jarret A. Diaz, M. Div (Duke) serves as "Administrator" for ONE CDC for #ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia and reports to Brother Michael, OSL.
#ONEFeltonville CCDC (RCO) Meets Monthly at 6:30 PM on the Third Tuesday of every month (except December. July and August are at the discretion of the membership) at IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville A st. & E. Wyoming Avenue, 19120. (Town Watch-25th District PSA 2 has been incorporated into these meetings) An Annual (4 years) "Traditional Carols & Candles" gathering for the Christmas/Holidays Season is held each December at Feltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues, Feltonville United Neighbors/ONE Feltonville was instrumental in supporting and securing a "Grant" for redevelopment of the site--still awaiting implementation by the City, developer and the Philadelphia Water Department.
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered (RCO) has met on various days/eves, at various locations, public, religious and private (homes/office), since September 2017, and is currently seeking a "Home Meeting" location in the community.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO BECOME INVOLVED; as a Board Member, or Volunteer, or any other way, Please Reach Out To: #ONECDC 267.650.4720
RECRUITMENT-Engagement Opportunities are Ongoing. (Youth, Community, Church, Faith-Based Organizations may Volunteer for Intensive "Community Service" or "Service Learning" Opportunities through us).
RELATED "Hashtags" (#) #SustainableFeltonville #Sustainable19120
On ONE Feltonville
Olney Neighbors Empowered

COMING EVENT: Community Asset Mapping: Commercial Corridor JOIN US on Saturday, September1, 2018 at 1PM 
HISTORY Compiled, and disseminated, Saturday, 11-August-2018, By Brother D Michael Blackie, OSL assisted by Mr. Diaz.