Thursday, March 16, 2017

UPCOMING Review: "Journey With Jesus"... (IVP)

"Journey With Jesus" This Year...
And, You'll Never Be Lost!
InterVarsity Press


Stay tuned HERE for an UPCOMING "Book Review" of Larry Warner's Journey With Jesus from IVPress. It's a 2010 issue, re-issued this year for "Lent 2017". Some Pilgrims have begun this 'journey' through the Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola with Ash Wednesday. (I'll post after Easter Sunday).

Meanwhile, if you are reading this wondeful book, references to the website Metamorpha may be confusing. If you are perplexed, and seeking a "Listener" or "Spiritual Director" to help in your personal journey, go to this link instead provided by the Author through IVP, and the folks at Metamorpha. (Who by the way have a few selections of their own on their website to Guide and Direct you).

I hope this helps in your walk, and your own Journey With Jesus as you continue to desire Him, His love and His Amazing Grace and peace.

(NOTE: The Weeks- Upper Case "W" are not a week, literally... your "Journey" may or could last up to 9 months--or longer. Depending on your 'readiness' for the journey. BE SURE to read that part of Part One of the book).

Peace and Blessings to you and yours this Season of Lent, 2017,

Bro. D. Michael Blackie, O.S.L.
"Just A Closer Walk" Ministry
Spiritual Director and "Listener"
Follow me on Facebook 
Editorial Note: If I "Review" a particular book AND Recommend it, Regardless of the Faith Expression of its Author (Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, etc.) It is therefore, a recommendation, an 'endorsement' of sorts. NOT of that "Religion's" Dogma, but, of that Author's Faith-Expression, and suggestions for a Closer Walk With The Lord. "The Spiritual Exercises" of St. Ignatius of Loyola for instance. It's about our Knowing the Divine, Knowing the LORD Jesus Christ, not just as Saviour and Lord, but, part of our every day existence--the very fabric of our being. We are Divine, because the Divine dwells within us, and we dwell with the Divine. (Bro. Michael, OSL March 30, 2017 8:25PM Mt. Olive Christian Church )

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Church-Community Fair OPEN HOUSE: April 8....

Church And Community "Rally Day" And Open House 
Iglesia Puerta del Cielo Welcomes North Philly Neighbors 
via Twitter: @GoWestYoungMan1 #ONEFeltonville 


SAVE-The-Date: Saturday, April 8th from 10am-2pm, ONE Feltonville CCDC has been asked by Iglesia Cristiana Monte Olivar (Mt. Olive Christian Church (bilingual) "Outreach & Community Ministries" to arrange and facilitate a "Community Unity & "Rally Day" Open House for another local church in North Philadelphia. We are pleased to announce the following information.

Iglesia Puerta del Cielo ( the Gate of Heaven) Spanish speaking Church (1631 N. 6th Street) at 6th Street & Cecil B Moore Avenue in North Philadelphia's "Yorktowne" neighborhood is hosting an "Open House" (Iglesia Abierto Casa). According to Pastor Will Collazo, Jr., of Iglesia Mt. Olivar "...this church wants to reach out; to help the neighborhood." Pastor Collazo and ONE Feltonville partnered last November, on two successive Saturdays- to bring the "City" and services to the community. This event will feature some of the same participants, and new faith-and-community partners.

On Saturday, April 8th, from 10AM until 2PM ONE Feltonville CCDC, a Christian Community Development Association "Member" along with Monte Olivar and Iglesia Puerta del Ciero will host a "Community Day" to bring services to the community.(Streets, Free Library, Parks & Recreation, Revenue, and more....)

Confirmed participants Include; Philadelphia Fire Department , a local Fire Engine Company and Fire Prevention Division, )perhaps even the "Mascot" may show up again too!), 26th Police District Police Crime Prevention Team ,CLIP Philly "Quality of Life" Program,
The Mayor's Office of Community Empowerment & Opportunity
("BenePhilly" Mobile Benefits Unit), represented by Project HOME Philadelphia Water - Customer ServiceCity of Phila. Revenue (taxes) Department   Job Corps. Phila. Jobs for Teens PLUS many other city and Latino/Hispanic Community Social Service agencies are invited to join us. (APM, Concilio, Congreso, etc.). Opportunities for applications for Tax, Rent, Water/Sewer, Senior Citizen Discounts and much, much more.

This is going to be a GREAT day, for families, children, teens, everyone! 
Be sure to join us--and bring a neighbor or two along. Get 'hoked-up', plugged in, "Connected" to your community and city.

There will be food, and food vendors; games and activities for kids and families, hosted by the Congregation and Ministerial Staff of both churches.

"Clean SWEEP"  Additionally, that Saturday, from 9am to 2PM is the PMBC-Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee"Unlitter Us" City Wide Clean Block clean up, sweep up event. This event is in every Police District, in every community & neighborhood across the city.

The stated purpose of this event is to connect church and city, and church and community for a better, healthier, more livable community life experience. Y, Gloria a Dios, solamente, y siempre. No single person gets or can claim credit for this networking opportunity. This is a true Church and Community Ministry partnership opportunity; and, there will be more.

"Block Captains" after you "Rally" your block to clean up, rally them to the event at the church to get 'connected', plugged in, empowered to DO more! Encourage your neighbors to 'clean up their act'!

Join with this Church, Community, Businesses, Schools, Neighbors...Let's ALL be UNITED for a Greener, Cleaner, Safer, More Livable City! We are looking forward to seing you there!

For Further Information, or details as the date draws near: Contact Event Organizer, Br. Michael, O.S.L. at 267.650.4720 or via email Facebook Twitter

Monday, March 06, 2017

Just "A Simple Prayer".....

How can a "Simple Prayer" from a book issued nearly 18 years ago be effective today? Stay Tuned: 03.15.17 ⛪️🔖👍 via Twitter: @GoWestYoungMan1

I'll be re-reviewing The Prayer of Jabez, (sometime after the Spring/Easter Season Break) and its particular effectiveness on, and in my life and work since the Summer of 2015. Meanwhile, if you've never read it... there's a re-appearance of The Prayer of Jabez (2000, Multnomah) in many churches and communities of faith across the country.

If our country ever needed a faithful people praying in unison, now is the time! "Get Down on Your Knees and Fight for Your Life!" has been said to be the key to our 'salvation' as a country. "If My People Who Are Called By My Name Shall Humble Themselves and Pray; Then, Will I hear Their Prayers and Heal Their Land" (2 Chronicles 7:14) (Paraphrased) Bible Gateway (NKJV)

Bro. D. Michael Blackie, O.S.L