UPCOMING Review: "Journey With Jesus"... (IVP)
And, You'll Never Be Lost!
InterVarsity Press
Stay tuned HERE for an UPCOMING "Book Review" of Larry Warner's Journey With Jesus from IVPress. It's a 2010 issue, re-issued this year for "Lent 2017". Some Pilgrims have begun this 'journey' through the Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola with Ash Wednesday. (I'll post after Easter Sunday).
Meanwhile, if you are reading this wondeful book, references to the website Metamorpha may be confusing. If you are perplexed, and seeking a "Listener" or "Spiritual Director" to help in your personal journey, go to this link instead provided by the Author through IVP, and the folks at Metamorpha. (Who by the way have a few selections of their own on their website to Guide and Direct you).
I hope this helps in your walk, and your own Journey With Jesus as you continue to desire Him, His love and His Amazing Grace and peace.
(NOTE: The Weeks- Upper Case "W" are not a week, literally... your "Journey" may or could last up to 9 months--or longer. Depending on your 'readiness' for the journey. BE SURE to read that part of Part One of the book).
Peace and Blessings to you and yours this Season of Lent, 2017,
Bro. D. Michael Blackie, O.S.L.
"Just A Closer Walk" Ministry
Spiritual Director and "Listener"
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Editorial Note: If I "Review" a particular book AND Recommend it, Regardless of the Faith Expression of its Author (Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, etc.) It is therefore, a recommendation, an 'endorsement' of sorts. NOT of that "Religion's" Dogma, but, of that Author's Faith-Expression, and suggestions for a Closer Walk With The Lord. "The Spiritual Exercises" of St. Ignatius of Loyola for instance. It's about our Knowing the Divine, Knowing the LORD Jesus Christ, not just as Saviour and Lord, but, part of our every day existence--the very fabric of our being. We are Divine, because the Divine dwells within us, and we dwell with the Divine. (Bro. Michael, OSL March 30, 2017 8:25PM Mt. Olive Christian Church )