The History and Development of ONE CDC
From Several Groups, ONE Emerges...
ONE Feltonville began as "Feltonville United Neighbors" at 3rd and Wyoming Ave./Mentor Street, in September 2013. In Spring of 2014 the
25th Police District began "Community Meeting"(s) at
Feltonville Rec about "Crime & Safety" in the neighborhood of the Rec Center. From those meetings, "Feltonville Town Watch-25th District was formed with 10 "Members". In July 2014 a Member proposed the name ONE Feltonville from an argument about what 'part' of Feltonville a Member lived in. The response of "there's only ONE *expletive* Feltonville... !", WE became ONE (One Neighborhood for Everyone, Our Neighbors Everywhere) Feltonville. In August we moved out of the City Rec Center into a Church that donated its space. In September 2014 our Facilitator/Acting President/Director United the organization with "
CCDA" the Christian Community Development Association.
Town Watch met bi-monthly at one Church, and ONE Feltonville met Monthly, except December at another -- only a few hundred feet from each other - on East Wyoming Avenue. To be truly reflective and UNITED, by Winter 2014-Spring 2015 ONE Feltonville CCDC was meeting only at one church building located at A Street and Wyoming Avenue. (Special meetings, Symposiums, "Town Hall" meetings were held around the community or at a larger faith-based, church, or community organization location (of any faith).
In August of 2016, ONE Feltonville was 'recognized' by the
City Planning Commission as a RCO.
In August 2017, the work of Olney Neighbors Empowered (Originally ONE Feltonville - Olney Neighborhood Engagement Project [Outreach Nurture Empower] late June 2017) began as an advocacy for the parents and student athletes at
Olney Charter High School (
ASPIRA, Inc. of Pennsylvania "Aspira Schools) and the deplorable condition of the fields -and the seating section "Grandstand" building, fieldhouse facilities (Still owned by the School District).
In June 2018, ONE CDC applied to the
Planning Commission for RCO status, it was Granted/Accepted as part of ONE Feltonville's 'Recertification', and recognizes the entirety of "ONE CDC ONE Feltonville Olney Neighbors Empowered RCO" [ONE CDC (RCO)] on July 1, 2018.
ONE CDC "Board of Directors" (open-ongoing Recruitment) is and will be the governing body. (Rev. Dr.)
D Michael Blackie, a "Brother" in The Order of St. Luke ("OSL") is "Facilitator", Ministry Internship/Apprentice Jarret A. Diaz, M. Div (Duke) serves as "Administrator" for ONE CDC for #ONEChurchDOCOlneyPhiladelphia and reports to Brother Michael, OSL.
#ONEFeltonville CCDC (RCO) Meets Monthly at 6:30 PM on the Third Tuesday of every month (except December. July and August are at the discretion of the membership) at
IglesiaAdventista En Feltonville A st. & E. Wyoming Avenue, 19120. (Town Watch-25th District PSA 2 has been incorporated into these meetings) An Annual (4 years) "Traditional Carols & Candles" gathering for the Christmas/Holidays Season is held each December at
Feltonville War Memorial Rising Sun and Wyoming Avenues, Feltonville United Neighbors/ONE Feltonville was instrumental in supporting and securing a "Grant" for redevelopment of the site--still awaiting implementation by the City,
developer and the
Philadelphia Water Department.
#OlneyNeighborsEmpowered (RCO) has met on various days/eves, at various locations, public, religious and private (homes/office), since September 2017, and is currently seeking a "Home Meeting" location in the community.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO BECOME INVOLVED; as a Board Member, or Volunteer, or any other way, Please Reach Out To: #ONECDC 267.650.4720
RECRUITMENT-Engagement Opportunities are Ongoing. (Youth, Community, Church, Faith-Based Organizations may Volunteer for Intensive "Community Service" or "Service Learning" Opportunities through us).